It Must Be Fate

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Hey Everyone. This is just a short story that I wrote for fanfiction contest on instagram (@ lots_of_fandom_edits). I hope you enjoy. 

The wind ran through his flowing hair as he chased a wild deer. Not only was he a skilled hunter but also a prince; Prince Lotor. He kept his eyes pinned on the deer. The prince was light on his feet, careful not to make a sound. Little did he know that someone else had their eyes on the deer. The deer stopped in its tracks, exhausted from the chase. His big ears twitched as it's nose lightly sniffed the air assuming he had escaped his fate. Prince lotor was hidden within the green shade of the trees. He had his bow set on his target. He only needed one more moment to release the bow. One more moment and the deer would be his prize like so many before. Just as his fingers nearly let the bow string slip out of his hand he heard an arrow whistle. A sharp pain suddenly dug into his shoulder. His piercing cry rang through the forest as he released the bow. The arrow missed the deer and dug into a nearby tree. The deer had escaped and was on its way. Lotor looked back to see a foreign arrow in his arm. He staggered to see where it had come from. A light gasp was heard in the distance and the sound of leaves crunching under someone's feet. A girl with stunning features came out of the shadows of the trees. She had beautiful white hair much like lotors, but with soft curls. It looked like a perfect cloud; lotor was almost tempted to touch it. She had stark blue ocean eyes that sparkled like the stars.

"Oh my, please do forgive me. My attention was caught by an intriguing bird and my bow simply slipped." She panicked. Her face paled when she realized who she had shot. She quickly kneeled, "My prince, forgive me" she repeated.

Lotor couldn't help but be astonished by her beauty. Even though she had shot him Lotor couldn't be angry at such a kind, intriguing being.

Lotor motioned her up, "There's no need for that. It's quite alright."

The girl was taken back by his kindness. She stood and and looked up to see the princes kind face smiling down at her. She returned a soft smile.

Suddenly the prince winced in pain, as if hit with reality He reached for the arrow in his arm to pull it out, but found it would be impossible for him to reach it by himself. The girl noticed his struggle and her eyes widened in realization.

"May I?" She piped.

"Please," Lotor replied grimacing slightly.

The girl stepped closer using one hand to grip the arrow and the other placed itself on his opposite shoulder. She pulled hard on the arrow ripping it from the prince's shoulder. He let out a grunt, gritting his teeth tightly. He was about to turn around to face the girl but he suddenly felt a strange cool feeling in his shoulder. He tilted his head to see that her hands shown a brilliant blue. The pain in his shoulder had completely disappeared.

Lotor smiled astonished at the extraordinary sight and turned around, gazing in awe the girl who had magically healed him. "What is your name and how can I ever repay you?"

She gave him a bubbly laugh, "Allura, and there is no need for repayment. I shot you after all."

Lotor laughed in return.

"Well Allura thank you for healing me. Might I say that your powers are quite impressive." Lotor complimented.

Allura blushed, "Thank you my prince."

They looked into each other's eyes for what felt like hours until Allura broke the silence. She looked down slightly disappointed, "Well I better be off. I'm on a long journey to find a magical crystal to help my father." Her smile faded, "he is very ill, but I've heard that the crystal can heal anyone and anything."

"I'm very sorry Allura," Lotor said. "Maybe I can help." He smiled slightly.

Allura looked up hopefully. "Really? You would help me,a commoner?," she stated.

"Of course. I will one day rule this kingdom and I care about the people in it," he responded.

"Thank you again my prince." She spoke.

"Please, Lotor is quite alright." He corrected kindly.

Allura gave him a small nod and a smile.

Lotor and Allura had spent days searching the kingdom for the crystal that would save Allura's father. They spent each night in their makeshift camp talking by the fire. They found they had a special connection, and though neither would admit it they had developed feelings for each other. One night as they were talking by the fire as usual they heard a low ominous growl. Lotor and Allura immediately perked to attention. Allura quietly drew her bow as Lotor pulled his dagger out of the sheath. A pair of glowing red eyes peaked through the endless forest trees. The creature growled and hissed ready to attack the pair at any moment. When it finally emerged from the shadows it's ragged teeth and sharp spines were revealed. It had claws as sharp as needles and a green scaly back. The creature had its eyes set on Allura ready to pounce, but she was ready to fire. Lotor stood his ground as the monster circled them. They waited for the beast to strike first. It bounded towards Allura and she shot her arrow piercing it's eye. The creature yelped shaking its head in anguish. Lotor took this as his chance. He bolted towards the creature. Plunging his blade into the beast's side. The creature snapped at Lotor trying to sink its teeth into his flesh. Allura shot another arrow at the creature piercing even deeper than the first arrow. The creature whimpered. It had accepted its fate as it limped away. Their breathing was ragged with adrenaline.

"Allura are you alright?" Lotor asked.

She smiled, "Yes, just a bit shaken up." She began to pack her things, "we should move camp we don't know how many of those thing are out here.

"Allura," Lotor called out.

"Yes?" She turned to look at the prince.

"There's something I need to tell you," he replied. Allura noticed his nervousness and began to panic. "What happened. Are you hurt?" She asked frantically.

Lotor chuckled at her concern for him. "No I'm quite alright."

Her demeanor calmed as he reassured her. He continued, "I haven't been fully honest with you, but the truth is I view you as more than a companion. Every time you look at me or our hands accidentally brush against one another I feel endless bliss. I know fate brought us together and I wish to spend every moment figuring out why as long as I'm with you. I fancy you, Allura" by the time he finished those words they were merely inches apart.

"I thought I'd never hear you say that," Allura smiled happily as they grew closer with each breath. Finally leaning into each other their lips met in a perfect climax. They both knew that their connection was more than a coincidence. Something in them was connected and in that euphoric kiss they knew they were meant for each other.

The End 

It Must Be Fate|Lotura Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now