Ask or Dare!!!

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Me: Hello and welcome to Ask or Dare the Glitter Force!!!


Me: Whoops! I should bring them here..  *snaps fingers*

Emily: Where are we?

Me: You are all in my book!

Kelsey: Thanks for that explanation. 

Me: Your welcome!

April: I'm pretty sure she was being sarcastic.

Me: Ohh...

Chloe: Yeah so, we're just gonna leave...

Me: * Slams door with mind* No you're not!

Lily: What?!!? *Whimpers*

Kelsey: And how did you do that?

Me: You all are not leaving. People are going to ask or dare you guys, till the end of time! Oh, and I have Author Powers! 

Chloe: Oh! My!

Emily: Yaay!!

Kelsey: That's a bad thing Emily.

Emily: No!!!

April: Well, I love this idea!

Kelsey: *mutters* Well I love you.

April: What?

Kelsey:  Nothing!!!

                                                    So I ship Kapril.  Please leave some dares!

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