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(I felt like I needed to give this a proper ending)

Me: Hey everyone! I came here so we could say goodbye!

Kelsey: Weirdly enough I liked it here.

April: I mean they are the reason why we're together.

Lily: haha gay.

Me: Don't act like you're not Lily.

Lily: You right. You right.

Emily: Honestly this while thing came use some good memories.

Chloe: And some good stories to tell our therapists.

Me: ugh mood.

April: Lost time you posted was New Years. You know before the world turned to shit.

Lily: Language!

Emily: I see you joined the Marvel fandom in that time.

Me: haha yeaaaah

Kelsey: You know what?

Everyone: What?

Kelsey: Let's share our favorite moments together.

Me: You know what that's a good idea.

Emily: I'll start. I liked it when Lily and I dressed up as Peter Pan!
Me: Alright, Emily you have to dress up as Peter Pan for a hour.

Emily: Yes!!!!! *Runs in changing room, comes out all dressed up* I love this place!!
Me: "LILY HAS TO DRESS UP AS PETER PAN!!!!" Says Damcclub.

Lily: How could you do this to me! I thought we were friends!

Emily: We all did. We all did.

Kelsey: OOF!

April: It's o.k. Here's your costume.

Lily: What? 

April: I almost died in the last chapter! You can at least put on the costume!

Lily: Fine! *Leaves for 5 minutes, then comes back* 

Me: Lily, go change.

Lily: Yeah! *Flys into dressing room*

Emily: HUUHHHHH!!!!!!!

April: lol we burned your Peter Pan merch like immediately after.

Emily: You know what we're just going to forget about that okay?

Lily: I just like all the times April and Kelsey did something gay.

Me: That's too much to fit in a spot

Kelsey: *inhales* Homosexuals

Chloe: Indeed.

April I liked being stuck in the same room with Kels...
Me: O.K moving on. Kapril, you need to be locked in a small room for a hour. Says @Damcclub.

April : Emily hates Damcclub. I do to, and everyone reading.

Kelsey: Same.

Emily: O.K, go in! *shoves in room*

April: When Kelsey and I get out of here we are going to combine our powers, like we did in that one episode!

Kelsey: Come sit next to me! We're a couple!

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