Thanks for the dares!

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Me: *kicks down door* GUYS!!!

April: What?

Me: We have so many dares!

Kelsey: Great.

Chloe: How many people gave dares?

Me: *Counts* Hella.

Everyone: WHAT??!?!

Me: I know! This is gonna be great! And you know what?

Emily: What?

Me: This might be a three-parter.

Lily: *Does spit take* I'm sorry what?

Me: You heard me. A three-parter!


Me: Yeah. Who knew a joke that wasn't meant to be taken seriously would turn out to something this great! (Please don't Ask or dare anything...)

April: I hate you.

Me: And I love you!

Chloe: Can we continue?

Me: Sure. We are doing just some random dares because I don't feel like doing some of them now...

Lily: Why?

Me: Because I said so.

Kelsey: Stupid.

Emily: What's the first dare?

Me: Throw a Giant House Party.

Kelsey: YEAHHH!!


Lily: What?

April: Not important.

Emily: Are there specific people we need to invite?

Me: Look at you! Being so smart!

Chloe: Who are they?

Me: *Ahem* The entire school, All the Precure, The Doki Doki glitter force, The Love Live Characters, and a bunch of other anime characters.

Lily: That a lot of people.

Kelsey: Yeah.

Me: Anyway, I'm gonna give a description of what you see and hear!

You're standing there drinking out of a cup. Not really sure what in it. When in the distance you hear "NICO NICO NEEEEE!!!!!" You ignore it and move on. You walk past Kirito as he talks about how much it sucked to be stuck in a game. You walk over to this weird arena where people are playing with blade thingy. You get bored quickly and walk away to hear "LET'S GET OUR GAMBLING FREAK ON!!" You stop dead in your tracks and walk away not wanting to have to deal with that. You turn around to see Miyuki in your face telling you how nice it is to be back. You were able to escape when a random dog ran by. You hear one of the background school characters ask who the frick is all these people. All of a sudden you hear sirens.

Kelsey: RUN!

And everyone ran.

Lily: I'm scared!

Emily: JUST RUN!

April: YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US- what how'd we get back here?

Me: You all were about to get caught so I brought you back.

Chole: Oh... Thanks.


Lily: What is it?

Me: *Reads dare* OHOHOHOHOH!!

Emily: What?

Me: Lily you are not gonna like this!

Lily: WHAT IS IT!!

Me: Lily you need to run 20 miles in one min or all your fanart will be burned.

Lily: *goes pale*

Chloe: *Prays for her*

Me: Ready Lily?

Lily: nO...

Me: Good. Three. Two. One. GO!

Lily: *runs*

Kelsey: Well she's not gonna make it.

April: This is just sad-

April was interrupted by Lily running up to us sweating like there's no tomorrow.

Lily: DONE!

Me: How? When? What? Did?

Lily: When it comes to Fanart... I will risk my life...

Emily: Oh... I burned one of them cause I thought you went going to make it...

Lily: MY BABY!!!!

The fire burns. (Hehe just like Eliza's letters. Sorry)

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