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Me: Hello and welcome back!

Kelsey: I know you'd be gone for a while!

Me: Why are you always the person that gives me crap at the beginning.

Akane: She's just returning what you give to everyone that reads this.

Yayoi: OH, SNAP!

Lily: YEET!

April: SKEET!


Me: Stop.

Chloe: May we please continue?

Rekia:  Yes, I would like to get back before something happens.

Me: o.k but first I want to say I will try to update once or twice a month!


Me: Fine. So Ak788Sylveonsays that the glitter force has to copy what the smile precure do for an entire chapter.

Miyuki: Do you really think they can do that?

Emily: Do you really think we can do that?

Nao: Oh please don't tell me they are going to do this.

April: Oh please don't tell me we are going to do this.

Akane: ENOUGH!

Kelsey: ENOU-

Akane: Stop!

Kelsey: Sto-

Akane: NO more of this! Plus I think it meant that you move how we move!

Glitter force: Ohh.

Lily: But what if this isn't what they mean't?

Me: I don't care because that is a lot of typing.

Chloe: If you don't want to do a lot of typing, how will you type us doing what they do?

Me: I don't know. Maybe... *Does the same* 

April: Wow. You really are lazy.

Me: I know. It's my best trait. 

Akane: Why don't you just skip it?

Me: Oh yeah! I can do that! Sorry if this offends you.

Miyuki: I'm sure that they will be fine! But if they want to get violent like that other guy, *I forgot his name* then, well...

Kelsey: *laughs* Sparkle fire!

Me: Alright... While you two are planning your killing spree, Damcclub says she wants the Glitter force to go the precure world and go to school as them.

Rekia: WE GET TO GO HOME!!!!?!??!

Me: No. They get to go to your home!

Rekia: *Sobs*

Me: Go get dressed in your school clothes!

*Glitter force comes out*

April: Alright let's go!

Me: *snaps fingers and portal shows up*

Lily: You know, you rarely use your author powers anymore.

Kelsey: Yeah, the last time you used it was to bring them here.

Emily: And before that, I think it was to bring us here. But I might be wrong.

Me: I do not care. Get a move on. But before you go in, I can't go through. So here are some ear pieces so we can talk to each other.

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