Where am I?

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You moaned, your optics slowly opening and adjusting to the light. Your head was pounding and you were exhausted, but you felt rejuvenated.

You checked your energon levels and tilted your head. "They must've given me energon while I was unconscious..." you murmured, glancing around.

You were in a dull looking cell with nothing much but a window and a cot to recharge on. Your hands were cuffed together and you tried to break free, but it was no use. "Stasis cuffs..." you hissed, a frown appearing on your face.

You absolutely despised being in prison. You couldn't roam around and be free, you were forced to do whatever your captors told you. You dreaded the moment that your Autobot captors came to fetch you.

You froze when you heard light pedesteps approaching your cell. Your wings stiffened up and your spark beat faster in your chest.

To your relief, it was only the black and gold mech from before. You felt your spark jump into your throat as he knelt down in front of the cell, peering at you curiously.

"Are you feeling alright? You were almost completely depleted of energon." His smooth voice was subtle and soft, as if he was trying to soothe a youngling.

You felt your face grow hot and you turned your head away before he could see. "I've been in worse situations before..." you mumbled, eyeing him out of the corner of your optics.

He tilted his head, shrugging and sitting down in front of the cell. "I thought you would be lonely down here, so I decided to keep you company. I tried to convince them not to put you in cuffs, but Optimus wasn't budging one bit..."

"Who's Optimus? Is he that blue and red mech who thought I was a mech?" You frowned, remembering the young mech's blunder.

The black and gold mech chuckled, folding his hands in his lap. "Yes, that's our leader, Optimus Prime."

You froze when that name escaped his lips. You remembered Megatron telling you about this "Prime" and he seemed much... weaker than what Megatron described. "That was Optimus Prime? Haha! He's weaker than I thought! He looks like he's fresh out of the technoversity!"

"Don't be fooled by his younger appearance and inexperience, he is not one to trifle with."

"Megatron isn't one to trifle with either, that's for sure. No wonder he always gets his aft kicked by Megatron!" You laughed out loud. You hadn't laughed like this in centuries.

"Changing the subject..." The mech cleared his throat to get your attention. "I never caught your name."

You stopped laughing, wiping coolant from your optics. "Oh, it's Y/N. What's yours?"

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Prowl."

"Prowl... what an interesting designation.. you look like the silent but deadly type." You giggled, scooting closer to the cell door. You were already beginning to like Prowl. He was better than the other Autobots.

"I like to think of it that way, I'm just not much of a socializer." Prowl sighed, glancing off to the side.

"Really? I was never one to socialize either. Other bots annoy me and I don't know who to trust anymore..." you sighed, fiddling with a loose piece of metal on your knee plating.

Prowl looked up at you and smiled a bit. "You remind me of myself."

"What, charming and antisocial?"

"You think I'm charming?"

Your face turned bright red when you realized your mistake. "I... I.... n-no! It's just.... just..." You stammered, your logic circuits refusing to cooperate.

A light chuckle escaped Prowl's throat and he stood up, brushing off his sleek frame. "You're too kind, Y/N. I'll be back in a little bit to give you some more energon." He went to walk away, but looked back over his shoulder. "Do me a favor, don't tell the others that I've been coming down here and talking to you. I'm not really supposed to be socializing with prisoners."

You nodded, a hopeful glint to your optics. "I won't tell a soul."

"Thank you." Prowl dipped his head in farewell and walked away down the hall.

You finally relaxed and exhaled, your limbs loosening up. You didn't realize that you were tense that whole time.

"I can't believe I'm falling for an Autobot..." you mumbled, chuckling under your breath.

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