Home at last

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"When can I fly? My wings are getting stiff and I'm itching for a flight." You muttered, gingerly touching one of your wings.

"Why don't we go right now? We've been cooped up in here for too long." Prowl said, beginning to walk to the exit.

"What about Optimus?" You asked, tilting your head.

"He said you could leave if you wanted to. He never said you couldn't come back." Prowl smirked, holding out his hand.

You blushed lightly, placing your hand in his and walking with him outside.

The sun was slowly setting, casting an orangish-pink hue on the sky. It was beautiful, so beautiful that you just stared at it for a few minutes. A light breeze passed over your frame and you longed for the skies.

"Well? Are we going or not?" Prowl asked, placing a hand on his hip.

You smirked, fluttering your wings. "You bet! Try and keep up, ninjabot!" You laughed, jumping into the air and transforming. You soared up into the sky, the air cushioning you as you rose up.

Prowl chuckled, transforming into his sleek motorcycle alt mode and racing off down the road. He followed you as you zipped through the sky, pulling all kinds of tricks and stunts.

It felt wonderful to have air beneath your wings again. It had been forever since you last flew.

-Feeling good up there?- Prowl's voice crackled over the comm link.

-How did you hack on to my frequency? Only seekers can speak on this line!- you were confused but surprised.

-I have my ways... and you better catch up, you look like you're lagging behind.- Prowl laughed as he tore down the pavement, his engine roaring loudly.

-What! You sneaky little bot!- you laughed as well, firing up your thruster and slowly catching up to him.

You flew in the clouds above the city, watching Prowl zip in between human vehicles and buildings. You spun in the air and pulled out of the cloud cover, condensation beginning to form on your wings.

-Uh oh, gettin' a little chilly up here. Might have to land somewhere.-

-Okay, there's a cliff up ahead. Just land there and I'll meet you.-

You cut the comm and kept on flying, the chill air whipping off your wingtips. You spotted the cliff that Prowl was talking about and dipped down, doing a flip and transforming in mid-air.

You landed on the ground with a thud, flexing your wings and wiping off the condensation. You heard the rumble of Prowl's engine as he pulled up behind you and transformed.

You turned around, flashing a grin at him. "Not too bad for a grounder."

"Not too bad for a seeker." Prowl mocked you, playfully jabbing at you with his hand.

You laughed, purposely smacking him in the face with your wings as you turned back around and sat down. You swung your legs over the edge of the cliff and let them dangle, gazing out at the sunset.

Prowl soon joined you, taking a seat in the soft grass beside you.

You both enjoyed a moment of silence, watching as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon.

"You know, I've never felt more at home." You mumbled, folding your hands in your lap.

Prowl glanced at you and smiled, his cheeks tinted pink. "And I've never felt happier."

"Ever since we met, I've been wondering what it means to have a true home. I think I've found it."

"I've been thinking about where my place is in this world. But now, I figured out that my place is right here beside you. You are a special bot, Y/N. Don't ever forget that."

You blushed and smiled happily, slowly putting your hand on his. You turned and looked at him, your ruby red optics looking into his brilliant blue visor.

You closed your optics and leaned in, feeling his soft lips brush yours before pressing against them in a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, kissing him more.

This was your home now. This was your new life now.

Your chance to start over, to change who you were in the past.

You finally had a place to call home and someone you love by your side.

It couldn't get any better than this...

The end!

Hope you enjoyed! :)

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