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You shuffled your pedes nervously and sighed, laying your cuffed hands in your lap. "I was one of Megatron's best lieutenants back on Cybertron..." you began, feeling coolant pooling in the corners of your optics. "Then we came to Earth..."

Prowl leaned forward, listening intently. He had a gentle look on his face, almost as if he felt sad himself.

"He... he said that we had to destroy the life on this planet in order to expand. I didn't want to destroy this beautiful planet!" You sniffed, wiping away the coolant in your optics. "I told him how I felt about his plan and... he..."

"He kicked you out, didn't he?" Prowl asked softly, quietly slipping down onto the moss beside you.

You nodded, the coolant welling up and distorting your vision. "He said that if I ever came back, he would kill me... All I wanted to do was protect the life on this planet! I didn't sign up as a Decepticon to do those horrible things!" Sobs wracked your frame as you buried your head in your arms.

Prowl didn't know what to say. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your shaking frame and pulled you close, gently stroking your back. "I know... that's how Megatron gets bots like you to join. He promises freedom and glory, when all you'll get is depression and enslavement..." he sighed, staring off into the forest.

Your sobs died down and you pressed your head against his chest. Your wings flattened and you took in a deep breath, calming yourself down. "You are the only one that understands..." you mumbled, wiping your face free of coolant.

"I try to understand as best as I can. I know how hard it can be to leave a place where you feel like you belong. You joined that group because you wanted to belong, but you only got ridiculed..."

"You say that as if it's happened to you too." You chuckled, glancing up at him.

"It has." He answered dully, leaning back and allowing you to lay your head in his lap.

You flipped onto your back and stared up at the sky, sighing quietly. "What happened?"

Prowl paused before speaking again. "I was a rebellious young upstart at the time. The sensei of the Cyber-Ninja dojo, named Yoketron, decided to train me instead of throwing me in the stockade."

"Why didn't he just toss you away like the others?"

Prowl shrugged. "Not sure. I shouldn't be telling Autobot secrets, but I know I can trust you. We had a whole slew of unborn prototypes ready for deployment in case Project Omega failed. I guess he saw more in me than just another soldier." He paused again, scratching his chin in thought.

"Wow... I thought Project Omega was just a rumor.." you gasped in wonder. You remembered your fellow Decepticons gossiping about it and you thought it was just another rumor floating around.

"Not at all. We were prepared to use brute force on the Decepticons if it meant saving Cybertron." Prowl replied, glancing down at you as he leaned back and propped himself up. "But anyways, back to the story. Yoketron saw something in me that I couldn't see, something of great honor and power. He stripped me of my weapons and mods and trained me in hand to hand combat."

"Seems rough..." you chuckled, shifting your weight to get more comfortable. You were happy laying here in his lap. You could do this all day if they allowed you to.

"It was extremely difficult. Nothing pleased Yoketron, even when I correctly performed a move. He beat me down until I thought I was worthless. It was all for a purpose, though. He was trying to discipline me and help me find my center. Sometimes you need to be ridiculed and beaten down to see the real you..."

You understood Prowl clearly, his words motivating you greatly. "You are a wonderful storyteller, you know?" You smirked, staring into his brilliant blue visor.

A chuckle escaped Prowl's throat and he smiled at you. "Really? The others complain about how boring my stories are. They don't get the whole idea I'm trying to shed light on."

You sat up, leaning gently against his shoulder. You nestled your head in between his jaw and his shoulder, humming quietly. "They wouldn't understand anyways, their processors can't handle it."

Prowl laughed, blushing gently when your hand traced his jawline. "You really do remind me of myself. It's like we are the same bot, but in different bodies. You have the same positive energy as I do."

"Heh, I find that hard to believe." You muttered, letting the cuffs clink against the rock below you.

"Why is that?"

"I've been depressed for so long, I don't think I have any positive energy left in me..."

"I believe that you do." Prowl whispered, gently tipping your head up by your chin with his finger and pressing his lips against yours.

Your face immediately flushed pink and your ruby red optics widened in surprise. His kiss was so sweet.... so lulling.... that you just had to close your optics and pull him closer.

You sighed in content, finally happy for one moment of your miserable life. Prowl was the bot you needed to keep going in this world. He was your savior.

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