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"YOU WHAT?" Jin yelled at Junkook,
when he finished explaining what happened to Yoongi. Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, and J-hope, They were all in Junkook's House more like a mini mansion, His parents died a long time ago, they left their money to Junkook trusting him, They worked at a big company were his father was the CEO of, but now he lives alone with one maid.

"Well I couldn't just let him die" Junkook tried to defend himself, but he had a face that was saying 'the damage is already done, let it go', " You have one fucking job kook, and so did all of us, we also have to pay the consequences for your actions" Hoseok said sternly, "wow, when did Hoseok-hyung became so mature" Namjoon asked kind of surprised, "Hey I've always been mature, there's just not been enough serious conversations, ok!" Hoseok said with a pout, "and, his back" Taehyung giggled.

"Guys were getting off topic, what we need to worry about is how Jungkook let a knew untrained Vampire in a school full of Humans", Jin said with his eyes closed.

"I'll tell him what he is soon cause his now our responsibility to train him" Jungkook said keeping his cool, "our responsibly?!, no our responsibly was to keep him safe and not turning him in to a Vampire, cause it's dangerous! Kook this is all on you" Taehyung said with a sorry look.

"Fine, than I'll take the responsibility of teaching him, and telling the council", Junkook said looking at them seriously.

"No this is not just your doing Kooks, we were also responsible for not keeping in eye out on him, so we all will try to do our part", Namjoon said then gived him a dimple smile, "but his staying with you, so don't let him die", Jin told Jungkook with a warning look.

Yoongi got home finding his day a bit strange, why was I only craving that juice Tae made, and why could I smell it, every now in then in school, Yoongi thought to himself as he I laid down on his bed looking at the ceiling.

He sighed and turned around to his night stand and took his his phone.

Hobi is typing...

I can't come over today sorry Hyung


Cuz I'm busy helping a friend important

oh, okay

Yoongi closed his phone and got up and went to the bathroom, he went and washed his face looking in the mirror, "Yoongi you have a date tomorrow, get your head straight, wait that doesn't sound right, get your head gay?; ugh what am I even saying" Yoongi talked to himself now going out of the bathroom room.

"OK so the plan is to kidnap Yoongi?" Taehyung asked a bit confused, "well not really, just think of it in a way like forcing him to come to Kooks house, so keep him quiet while we explain what were gonna do with him" Hoseok simply said regreting it as he saw the others faces.

"That's an even worse way of describing it" Jin scold the ginger haired boy, "let's just get Yoongi here and then will talk about, 'what' were gonna do with him" Namjoon clarified everybody, "Ok we will don't worry," Jungkook said with an emotionless expression.

A/n: what y'all think so far, don't be afraid to share your thoughts, I will read them😁. so ✌🏾

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