❣ ( 9°)

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A/n: enjoy.


"Ahh~ it h-hurts" Yoongi said between sobbes, his front was against a wall, arms tied up above his head, he was completely naked and had a blind fold on, his legs were wobbly, almost giving out and bringing him down to his knees, "aw, stop acting. I know you enjoy every second of this~" a tall shadowy figure stood behind Yoongi, and Yoongi wasn't gonna deny the truth. He did enjoy the burning tingly sensation of every time he got whipped from his back side, he just needed to face the facts, because he was turned on. Like by a lot, "admite it, admited it or I'll stop" the figure said coldly, "I-i like it, so p-please, do it again" Yoongi pleaded, "ahhh!~" Yoongi let out moans after moans as the tall figure started whipping him again. Yoongi's head was tilted back, and a little bit of drool was trickling down from the corner of his mouth, yes, I like it, I like it so much, i-...

Yoongi woke up to a warmth next to him, the warmth was Taehyung who was up before him, they locked eyes, "Tae, i-i j-" Yoongi tried to speak, "it's ok Hyung I understand, sometimes you need to have a good time to help you calm" Taehyung said and shocked Yoongi, how can someone know so much, and be a really good friend, that just gets you.

"Besides you already have someone special in your heart" Taehyung said with a sad smile looking down,

And it hit Yoongi, JIMIN I-, oh my gosh, I haven't called him yet he must think I hate or something, and and what is he gonna think of me, I killed someone and I'm a blood sucking monster, Yoongi thought and before he knew it there was tear rolling down his face.

"Hyung hey what's wrong?" Taehyung asked seeing how vulnerable Yoongi looks right now, "It's just....I-i ki-" Yoongi tried to say between crocked out quiet sobbes.

But Taehyung realize what he was trying to say and let out a 'ohhh' and pulled Yoongi into his chest before he could finish his sentence, "it's ok it's not your fault, I got you" Taehyung tried to comfort him with soothing words, Yoongi kept mumbling things like, 'yes it is' or 'she trusted me'. Yoongi's sobbes turned into sniffles muffled by Taehyung's chest, Yoongi pulled away, and looked up at Taehyung with teary eyes.

"No y-you don't understand , I'm not crying because, because I killed her, I'm crying because, I didn't feel anything when she died at My doings", Yoongi said now looking down, what? I'm so confused, what does he me? Taehyung thought staring at Yoongi, "Hyung what do yo-" Taehyung tried to asked.

"I mean i felt no empathy when I saw her cold dead body, I tried to find reasons like she trusted me, even if i know I committed a crime, I still felt nothing".

Yoongi finished, hugging Taehyung again, while Tae just stared at the top of Yoongi's head, mind still confused, but to tired to really think about the possibilities and theories, and just rested his chin on Yoongi's head then closed his eyes, "it's gonna be ok" he mumbled, he could almost believe this was the same person that had him daze of pleasure last night.

They, as in Yoongi and Taehyung arrived at Jungkook's place, after Taehyung called and said he found Yoongi, we'll Yoongi found him kind of, They heard footsteps and Yoongi immediately went behind Taehyung.

"You guys are finally here, come in" Yoongi heard a calm deal voice at the front of the door, they both walked in Yoongi still shying behind Taehyung.

"So let me get this staight, Jin hyung and Taehyung are both sorcerers ?" Yoongi asked sitting on a couch with a cup of tea in his hand, "yup that's right" Jin said looking proud of it while Taehyung nodded shyly.

"And ..Jungkook and Namjoon are Vampires, that leaves the only one a werewolf is Hobi," Yoongi said looking at Hoseok, they as in all but Yoongi just introduced themselves,
And what they actually were, "t-that is a lot to take in I'll need time to-" Yoongi was interrupted by the person he recognized as Namjoon, "of course take all the time you need" Namjoon gived him a dimple smile, making Yoongi blush at his good looks.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok noticing, he wasn't like his usual Corky self, "Hoseok is something up?" Yoongi asked making all the attention go to the ginger haired boy.

"You guys, I'm not the only one smelling it, right?" Hoseok said with a serious face, Jungkook started sniffing the air, Yoongi just sit there with a confused face, as Hoseok walked closer to Yoongi still sniffing, Hoseok stopped sniffing and looked Yoongi right in the eye, and smirked.

"Had fun last night Taehyung?" Hoseok asked out of nowhere, Taehyung let out a weak little, "oh" and looked down, Yoongi was still confused until he finally got it.

Yoongi's face turned a beet red and scratch behind his head, "You c-can smell it?" Yoongi said embarrassed.

Hoseok chuckled "it only lingers on a little" Hoseok said backing back up to were he was standing, Yoongi took a sip of his tea hoping it would calm the heat that he felt on his face.

The doorbell suddenly rings, "Jungkook were you expecting anyone?" Namjoon asked looking toward the door, "Jungkook looked at his leader arm still crossed, "no, but I'll get the door" he said and started walking to the front door, everyone just stud there waiting for a cupple of seconds, before Jungkook came back with a no expression, "Kook what's wrong, who is it?" Jin asked with a worried tone.

What? How could he tell that Jungkook was stress, just be looking at his face, Yoongi thought looking at Jin in disbelief.

"A council member is here" Jungkook said calmly "why we told them we were doing are orders just fine, they have no business with us at the moment" Namjoon said the smile he had on for Yoongi now gone.

"He said he came here for Yoongi" Jungkook said now looking at Yoongi who was now once again, very confused.

They're now in the councils car, after explaining Yoongi what a council member was, for the magic court. Their probably calling him cause they found out about our failed protection, Yoongi repeated through his head what Taehyung said, he signed cause he realized, none of them explained why they had that job in the first place.

Without even realizing it they were here, but Yoongi doesn't remember this part of the city, "what is th-" Yoongi tried to speak "everyone out" the council member interrupted Yoongi.

Damn I can't even speak now Yoongi thought getting annoyed, they went inside the big looking court place, the big Brown doors opened answer they started walking in the hallway of the giant, place, they reached another door, "You boys better not say anything dumb" Jin said before opening the door.

A/n: let me tell y'all something so you guys don't get all confused, Yoongi is a special kind of Vampire....that's all... and this chapter was supposed to be posted on Lundi/Monday but I got caught up in a Yaoi 😅, .....

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