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"Jin, why are you and Namjoon not going to school anymore?", Yoongi asked once he made it upstairs to see only Jin.

"Well we only went to school to keep an eye on you, and the other's so they wouldn't reveal anything, but sense you now know we could go to are regularly Jobs", Jin said.

"What's your regular Jobs?" Yoongi asked, "you sure have a lot of questions" Jin said,

"S-sorry you don't have to answer them-" Yoongi quickly tried to say not wanting to be a bother, sense when do I apologise so quickly? He thought, "no!  Its ok I was just kidding, we promised you that we would answer your questions," Jin said, they went to the living room to sit on a couch.

"I work in a club and Namjoon works as the CEO of a police department and well slash detective," Jin said and Yoongi's eyes got bigger in amazement.

"You mean like a club with a drink bar and strippers?"

Yoongi asked looking down at his fingers, "yeah exactly", Jin simply answers with a shrug, "why?"

"Well this house doesn't pay itself Yoongs" Jin said playfully rolling his eyes, oh my goodness Yoongi.. I'm so dumb,  "and it's the perfect way to do are work for the council, not all people like us are this nice, and some hate this council that's in South Korea, there's lots of words and things that I can over hear in my club, and Namjoon... well 'deals' with the 'special' cases".

Jin exampled and it seeming to make sense to Yoongi, "Namjoon has to go out again and he won't be back till dinner",

Jin said staring and spacing out. Why won't Namjoom tell us about the little council meeting he had without us, he seems so...off, does he not trust us as much as before? No that can't be it, does he-
"Hey Hyung'', a sudden voice was heard near the door, interrupting Jin's train of thought, both Yoongi and Jin turned to see Taehyung with a smile," I just came to check on Yoongi,  I'll be going up to my room".

Taehyung said then basically ran upstairs,

Yoongi looked as Taehyung Dissapeared into a hallway, Yoongi frowned, what's wrong with him lately? Why has he been acting weird, is it because- mentally gasps* no that can't be..h-he said he was fine with what happened, Yoongi thought also seeming to be spacing out, to him Taehyung has been acting a little off, not that much...

But enough for Yoongi to notice.

"I'm gonna go talk to him", Yoongi simply said before leaving the living room to go upstairs.

A/n: sorry guys for the really short chapter, it's just I'm planning on making the next chapter long for y'all.

And thank you for getting me to 2.16K+ READS *choke's on salad* 😍😤😝📣💓💜💜💗💖...


ok I am calm now, shout out to Armybomb102 Im so proud of this account, she literally spammed me and took the time to read my chapters, so thank you for voting and knowing it's free and no harm in it😍💖.  my new book only has 4chaps so far so I try to work on that so I can post it fast, but I still will be updating here.💗

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