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(imagine the necklace above is the 1 i'm wearing in this story and i have blonde hair that reaches halfway down my back, icy blue eyes and i have a pale skin tone)

(imagine the necklace above is the 1 i'm wearing in this story and i have blonde hair that reaches halfway down my back, icy blue eyes and i have a pale skin tone)

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kya's pov

i was exploring the forest and making new animal friends when i heard a lot blasters going off followed by a loud thump, being a curious little me i decided to follow the sounds then i hid behind a tree when i saw giant robots fighting each other with 4 smaller bots that looked 1 to 2 feet taller than me. the purple, black and red bot with huge claws punched and kicked a black and red bot across the battlefield then his back hit a tree with a crash and he groaned while trying to stand up but only go pushed down roughly by the attacking bot. 'i have to act fast!' i think to myself as i threw a rock at the huge claws when they were about to slash at the innocent bot underneath him. they both stared at my direction as i grabbed a branch and ran to the purple, black and red bot with a roar and i began to whack repeatedly on the bot until he retreated with his armor all dented and scratched up. "you ok?" i asked the black and red bot as i helped him up "yeah, i think so. i'm jetstorm by the way and you are?" "i'm kya, nice to meet you jetstorm" we shook hands/servos before he turned away while putting a finger on the side of his head. "master drift, do you read me?" he asked into his ear-thing but all he got was a bunch of static "scrap, my com link is down and don't know where my friends are" "don't worry, i have an idea" i reassured him "what's your idea?" he asked me a bit curious "do you like amplified rock music?" "yeah, why?" i answered his question by getting out my phone and pressing play on my music playlist.


bumblebee's pov

steeljaw and his pack retreated before me and my team could capture them. "awww, they got away" grimlock whined "has anyone seen jetstorm?" drift asked us before all of us covered our audio receptors when loud rock music suddenly started playing from a few yards away in the forest so i had my investigate on where the music was coming from.

when the music finally stopped, we saw jetstorm talking to a female human. "that was loud" he told her as he was rubbing his audio receptors "that's what amplified means, jet" she said then looked at us from the corner of her optic before continuing "and at least it worked" she finished as she pointed at us. "oh scrap" strongarm said "you got seen by a human" slipstream asked or stated to him "i actually saved him from another small bot that was purple, black and red with red eyes and huge claws for hands" she told us "now we have to bring you back to the scrapyard with us" sideswipe told the human "ok" she agreed as we transformed into our vehicle modes and the human climbed into drift when she saw jetstorm and slipstream transformed into gantlets on drift's arms before transforming.

(time skip)

kya's pov

we finally drove into a scrapyard that they call a base then the bot jetstorm called drift opened his door for me get out before transforming and he deployed jetstorm and his friend slipstream. "that was so awesome and i have a ton of questions" i told them excitedly then an adult man, a young boy about my age and an orange bot about 1 foot taller than me came up to us. "another human?" the orange bot asked a little surprised "yup" the big green, black and yellow bot with blue eyes said "i'm danny claw and this is my son, rusty" "it's russell" "and i'm fixit" they introduced themselves "and you are?" the female blue and white police bot asked me "my name is kya nakadai" i told them "are you related to miko by any chance?" bumblebee asked me "of course i am! i'm her little sister! do you know her?" "she was 1 of my 5 human friends the last time i was here on earth" he told me "can i have a guardian please?" i asked "sure, i'll assign-" "i choose drift to be my guardian" i interrupted him while using big puppy eyes to get what i want. "alright, drift can be your guardian" "yay!" i cheered "mr claw, can i move into the scrapyard please?" i asked him "fine by me" then we made our way to the command center, activated the transportation device they call a ground bridge, packed my things which i didn't have much, jut a few shirts, shorts, pants, bras, underwear and of course my blue toy car, my stuffed parrot pete and his little caller i used from my bracelet and moved into the scrapyard while danny and russell were making my trailer to live in.

 "alright, drift can be your guardian" "yay!" i cheered "mr claw, can i move into the scrapyard please?" i asked him "fine by me" then we made our way to the command center, activated the transportation device they call a ground bridge, packed my ...

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(this is my toy car, my parrot pete and his caller that say "follow your heart" on it)

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(this is my toy car, my parrot pete and his caller that say "follow your heart" on it)

jetstorm and a humanWhere stories live. Discover now