kidnapped and tortured

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jetstorm's pov

while me, master drift and slipstream were on patrol, kya stayed by my side like she promised him but she trusted me enough to tell me that she brought her branch that she used to save me with her in case any decepticon would try and hurt me again and she used what humans call a pocket knife to sharpen it to look like a wooden sword at the top. (i would've showed a picture of it but my puppy chewed it up) we heard movement in the bushes coming from all sides of us so we split up into 3 parts with our weapons out and kya was by my side. when the rustling of the bushes suddenly stopped, kya took out her wooden sword for protection then the decepticon divebomb came out of nowhere and whacked me upside my helm so hard that my vision started darkening until i only saw darkness when i went unconscious.

kya's pov

"jetstorm!" i yelled as i saw the same minicon that i had beaten up to save jetstorm the 2nd time i saw a cybertronian but i keep the actual 1st encounter a secret. (it was airachnid and breakdown the 1st time) "kya to master drift, me and jetstorm have just encountered divebomb and he- ugh!" i got off from my call when he punched me into a tree, knocking me out.

no one's pov

divebomb punched kya into a tree so hard that he knocked her unconscious when she hit the tree and she dropped her phone on a rock that caused it break the glass. "it seems like you don't need this anymore, human" divebomb said as he stomped on her phone and broke it into pieces before he picked up the human and her wooden sword and airazor and fracture came out of their hiding places. "looks like drift got a new human pet" fracture said as he noticed that divebomb was holding a human girl in his servos then he noticed 1 of drift's pupils was unconscious on the ground so he picked him up and took them back to steeljaw and his pack.


"kya? kya!" drift tried to call kya multiple times but didn't get an answer, only static. "slipstream, meet me back at the scrapyard immediately" "right away sensei" slipstream ended the com link and quickly made his way to scrapyard.


jetstorm's pov

i groaned as i regained consciousness, i tried to move but i was covered in chains that were preventing my from moving. "well, well, look who's awake" someone said then i looked around and saw steeljaw, fracture, divebomb and airazor standing by a wall, i also saw kya on my left still unconscious and she had a bruise on her cheek. "what do you want with us, steeljaw?" i asked him "we only need you and your human pet as bait to use against the autobots to free our decepticon brothers" he explained and after a few minutes, kya started waking up. "what happened, jet?" she asked me "steeljaw took us hostage" i told her then explained what steeljaw told me "oh scrap" "can you 2 stop talking" fracture complained "you're not my mom, dad, master or sister mr tall and creepy" kya said in russian and both me and fracture have no idea what she said. "what did she say?" divebomb asked me "no clue, i don't speak um, russian? is that right? or is it japanese?" i asked her "it's russian" she answered then i face divebomb "i don't speak russian so i don't know what she said" i replied to his question "divebomb, airazor, you both have my permission to torture drift's pupil because he's just a prisoner" he told his minicons as he put stasis cuffs on my wrists before removing my chains and dragging me into another room and kya was screaming for me but i couldn't hear what she was saying because fracture closed the doors right behind him. when fracture got to an empty room, he threw me inside and left his minicons alone with me and then they pinned me to an empty berth that was in the room and began torturing me.


kya's pov

fracture came back to my cell that me and jetstorm were in and started getting uncomfortably close to my face. "now what to do with you, human" he said as he picked up my wooden weapon and started inspecting it. "divebomb told me what happened when you beaten him up with this stick, so let's see what it does to a human" he said while smirking at me then he slashed it across my cheek and i grunted in pain as blood started dripping down my face and some of it was on my sword. "hmm, interesting" then he started having a little more fun with my sword and using it on me as torture and i was screaming from pain really loudly. after an hour had passed, divebomb and airazor came back into the room with jetstorm badly injured just like me and they threw him back into our cell, chained him up again and removed the stasis cuffs from his wrists before they left with my wooden sword next to me and every part of our bodies hurt so much and even worse when we slightly move.

(time skip the next day)

slipstream's pov

we tracked jetstorm's signal to an abandoned where house then we heard screaming that sounded like kya so we bursted through the doors and what we saw was horrible. both jetstorm and kya had many gashes and cuts all over them and they were both bleeding from multiple wounds so we removed their chains all over them, covered in both jetstorm's energon and kya's human blood and we got them to the med bay back at base.

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