3 autobots come to earth and "the sliptream incident"

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bumblebee's pov

"lieutenant, there seems to be 3 autobot signals in the forest and coming to the scrapyard" fixit told me then we saw 2 cars and 1 van pull up in the scrapyard and i recognized them. "knockout, breakdown, wheeljack, it's a while" i told them as they transformed "hey bumblebee" knockout greeted me "hey
lieutenant, who are you talking to- BREAKDOWN?!" i heard kya screech when she came to the command center "hi kya, how are you doing?" breakdown asked her "i'm fine, i haven't seen you since i saved your tailpipe from spider lady" then they both laughed a little "what's going on?" me, knockout and wheeljack asked as my team came to the command center "kya, how do you know breakdown?" i asked her "well, almost 4 years ago..." she began to explain.


kya's pov

i was walking in the forest, taking pictures of animals when i saw a tree collapse with a very big spider and it got away so i followed it. when i found the spider, i saw that it was a giant robot, spider lady and she webbed another giant robot to trees, in place and when she was about to strike him with a spider leg, i threw a rock at it then some dirt in the air to blind her and i grabbed a stick, ran on top of her and began whacking several times before stabbing her right in the chest and threw her heart which killed her then her blood splattered all over me. i then pulled the stick out of her chest then i looked at the robot. "you ok?" i asked him "yeah, i think so. thank you and who are?" he asked me "i'm kya nakadai, who are you?" i asked him as i grabbed 2 more sticks and threw them at the webs to cut them and he removed the remaining webs from his hammer hand. "i'm breakdown, nice to meet you" "nice to meet you to. can i have picture, please? i really want to remember this moment that i made a new friend that's not human or animal" i asked and he nodded before picking me up and putting me on his shoulder and i took a picture of us then he got a call and set me back on the ground. "i gotta go, kya. i hope we can see each other again someday" "me to. bye breakdown!" i waved goodbye as he picked up the dead spider lady and walked away while waving at me.

(end of flashback)

"-and i never saw him again til today" i finished explaining then noted most of their shocked faces. "so you're the human who saved my best friend's spark?" knockout asked me and i nodded "do you have a guardian?" breakdown asked me and i gave a suspicious look towards him "just out of curiosity" he said quickly "drift is my guardian and teacher, dude and were you trying to ask me out in the form of being my guardian?" he was about to answer when i cut him off "and i can tell when you're lying so please tell me the truth" i finished my sentence before letting him speak "alright you caught me" he held his servos in air so i jump-kicked him at the very top of his head and landed on my feat, on the ground with my arms crossed. "pervert" then i saw jetstorm's mouth drop to the floor (not literally, just a figure-of-speech) in amazement "oh, did i forget to mention that i'm a black belt" i stated as i walked past them like nothing happened. "that just happened" i heard the white, red and green mech state the obvious.

(time skip)

i was taking a shower in my trailer when slipstream walked in, looking for me because in 3 minuets is our training session. "kya, master drift wants all of us to-" he stopped mid-sentence when he got a glimpse of me in the shower so i quickly covered my body with arms. "GET OOOOOOOOUT!!!" i yelled so loud that crown city could hear from 5 miles away and he quickly ran out. a few minutes later, i was in my karate outfit with my black belt on then i walked to training yard where drift, jetstorm and slipstream were then i glared at slipstream and he turned away in embarrassment. "miss kya, why did you scream a few minutes ago?" jetstorm asked me "because a certain minicon walked in on me when i was in the shower" i said while pointing at slipstream and when master drift ordered us to begin training, i went extremely hard on slipstream and beat him to scrap for seeing me in the shower, which is very rude of a guy or mech.

(time skip)

drift's pov

during training, i noticed kya's anger as she used a lot of force on slipstream so i decided to talk to her after training. "kya, why did you use a lot of force on slipstream during your training?" i asked her "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, DRIFT!" she shouted while glaring daggers at me so i slowly backed away since she warned me of when she gets mad, she can snap human bones and put them in what humans call a hospital so i decided to give kya her space. (not true in real life, but you guys never want to see me angry and i'm the most peaceful person anyone could ever meet)

jetstorm's pov

i was looking for kya to apologize for slipstream's actions since he's still a little freaked out from our training earlier when i heard music and saw kya holding her wooden sword in hand with our shape-shifting training bot (i have no clue what it's called so just go with it) in the form of fracture so i watched her.

(the music is from the new descendants short story on tv)

to the beat of the the music, she's dancing instead of fighting and i was about to walk up up to her and question her when i saw kya striking directly at her opponent and by the end of the song, she striked the head so hard that it almost popped clean off. "nice moves kya, what do you call that technique?" i complimented and asked as i approached her "thanks and i call it 'the art of dancing' which it can distract your enemy with the beat of music and the right moves to it. hear, let me show you after i fix the training robot thing" then she grabbed a tool kit and began fixing it before showing me her skills.

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