Chapter I , your team

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You arrive at your teams seats. Here you meet them for the first time.  This is the chunin exams and you dont get to fight which bummed you out a bit. Though you knew you would beat them all. Since you had jonin level skills. The first thing is you see is this dude who is all purple pretty much and wearing a ice village head band, jumping at you with a playful manner
"Hai, i am Haze who are you dude"
Then you look at the blondie whom is giving you an serious look scanning you up and down.
Then snarls at Haze
"How retarded are you Haze, he is clearly are new teammate. But other than that whats your name."
"(Y/n)"you growl
"Ooh some one is grumpy."
Haze mocks you causes you to think about swinging at him but you think not to because he could be more skilled than he seems.  You then sit down next to the blonde girl who proceeds to introduce herself
"Well i am kasuka, kasuka hatake. Kakashi's little sister."
He nod not really caring. You watch the next fight begin. There is this guy with duckbutt hair. An uchiha. And a red headed dude. Gaara. You know of him as you where from sand village too
You see a 2 girls one with pink hair and the other with blonde. The blonde on catches your eye.
"This sasuke guy is the uchiha guy right."
You ask kasuka she replies with an annoyed tone
"Yeah all the girls are so blah about him, honestly i could care less about the uchiha. He is stuck up his ass so much he hardly notices anyone so why bother.and his hair looks like a ducks butt."
He agree with what she says but chuckle at her last statement. You watch the fight closely ingoring the small urge to ask about the blonde girl shouting over sasuke.

-Gaara pov-

I surround my self in sand to block uchiha quick simple attacks. As he strikes i open a hole allowing his arm to enter but quickly close it so i trap his arm then morph out side the sand to attack him. Instead of striking him i ask him to beg for mercy slowly covering him with sand i leave his neck and head free.
"Beg for mercy fool"
I command him in a cold tone
"Never! I am a uchiha the last one at that! I shall never back down!"
He shouts. i see his sharrigan as he surronds his body in charka the he pushes the chakra out causing my sand to explode off of him. He strikes me or tried to but it was blocked by sand. Isnt fast enough i cover him and crush his limb only as mercy.
The observer of the battle ends the battle so sasuke could get hurt more.

(Y/n) pov

"Wrong move with the escape, he should of gave up there. Instead of getting hurt. Either way would of lost he ysed all his chakra in that escape." he mutter to you self and suprisingly to blonde girl over there with the pink haired one heard you and starts to yell
she gets frustated from you not listening she calms down
"My sasuke tried thats all that counts"
You turn to her with a lazy expression on your face and sigh
"Those damn uchihas all ways to cocky. Thats why sasuke's brother,itachi, killed them all except him."
He looks at you with angry eyes and was about to say something but was interrupted by the pink haired girl
They argue the rest of the tournment about duckbutt i ignore everyone and everything narrowing on the fight. You left half way through going to you small house at the edge of the village and sleep or at least try. All you could think about was that blonde girl. Ino you think her name was. You get up splash you self with the water and stare in the mirror at your silver eyes trying to get her blue eyes out of you mind. You shake your head a bit. You put on your (f/c) pajamas and go back to your bed. While laying there you stare at your roof falling asleep at twelve.

Sorry if it was short and sucky but i would appericate your critizism and feed back on how i did and I will probably make 3 or for more parts before asking if you want the story to continue. /\White boi out/\

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