Chapter V - little things

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Errrm this is a new chapter, wait duh. But i making this with out caring what yall think. I going to try and make it longer. But throw all the shade my way . i need it its too damn hot where i live

Y/n pov :

It been a months since i got out of the hospital, and Haze's birthday, but i am still in pain. Haze really fucked me up. But he does hold the two-tailed. So go fucking figure.
I still wondering what is that thing Haze use to put me and Kasuke to sleep. Mabye he'll teach me if i ask. Nah. That desperate. I teach my self something better. I head to my empty clearing in the woods. Except its not. It was no longer empty. It had a hospital. Houses, apartments, shops, you name it. I groan in fustration, then storm off. I mutter horrible things to my self about this place. God how i miss the sand village. But i have to live here. I walk with my head down, mumbling on and on about why my home is better than here. I come upon the village training sight. I perch in a tree an focus my chakra. I focus on all the little things. Drawing chakra from my concentration. As i focus i send all my to my back. I focus on a bird. I use the image of the wings to form the chakra in the shape of the wings. I jump out of the tree and try to use the wings. Nothing. Useless. Me i am useless.
i groan out. I focus again this time forcing all my chakra to my hands. And with out trying my hands form a blade of chakra on each side. Six sharp spider like legs form from my back making me 6 feet taller. I try and control it. But as soon as i stop focusing on my hands the legs and blades disappear and i fall flat on my back. So i train my accuracy, agility, and stamina. After night falls i start heading home. Thinking about me and ino. And why was i so stupid. Not trying anything. Maybe cause i didnt believe her. I still don't. I wouldn't try anything. I wouldn't even give her a chance, because i slept on the floor. So caught up in my thoughts, i accidently run into someone. I look up. My lips inches away from the person. I quickly back away not knowing if it was a guy or a girl. Why. Cause i am not gay. I couldn't really tell who it was. But it was definitely a female. She had a semi tall ,slim ,curvy body. Long hair. I didn't know who itcwas until she spoke. Soft, high, elegant voice, trying to apologize. Ino.

Ino pov:

Walking home after a long day of though. Me and (y/n) . that akward night at haze's house. What gotten into him. He has been avoiding me. Avoiding everyone. Except that gaara freak. Ugh, that dude freaks me out. I was so deep in though that i ran into someone. A familar hard chest. Though i still didn't know. This man's lips was inches from mine. I would of tried to kiss him, but (y/n). I apologized as he backed up. He smiled. That lit a spark. I stop apologize. It was (y/n). I start i go off on him.
"Why are you avoiding me, huh?! Do you even li.."
I was cut off by his lips against my, then i got this gritty, sandy feeling against my lips. I back up and see a pile of sand. Darn him and his sand teleportation ability.

Y/n pov:

Whe ino figured out who i was. She started questioning me. I wanted her to stop. It made me feel bad. I was avoiding them. Except gaara. Why he was my only child hood friend and vise-versa. So could abandon him. I could take the guilt. I wanted her to stop. So i kissed her. I liked it her lips were soft, but i still had guilt so i disappeared leaving a pile of sand. I look at my self in my mirror looking at my self.i shout at my self for my stupidity. She thinks i dont like her when i do. There i said to myself. But i cant admit it to her. That kiss wont leave my mind. It always the littlest thing that are so easy to focus on for me. Never any thing obivious. I consider that a weakness, though most say its a great strength. I eventually punch the mirror my hand going through the wall. The glass cuts through my hand, but from my anger it took me a hot second to realize. I wrap it up after stitching it back up. I fall asleep.

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