The Truth

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"Your lying." Connor said smirking also.

"No I'm not, you would know if I lied, because I'm a really bad liar." I ramble on trying to convince him.

"I know, that's how I know you were lying. Now what's the real reason?" he asks smirking even wider. Everyone was looking at me, even Ricky who had a bigger smirk than anyone, who was also really close, which only made me blush more, if that's even possible!


I quickly avert my gave from everyone and look at my almost gone, and now soggy cereal. I frown thinking about my now yucky cereal, but then remember what's going on and blush again. I began playing with my fingers, still not looking up, trying to figure out how to answer Jc's stupid question.

"I-uhhhh.." I cut myself off pursing my lips now looking up at my friends sitting and standing around the table waiting for my answer. Cali looks worried, I think she knows how I'm going to answer. I begin to gain my confidence back and my blush slowly creeps away as I get ready to answer. I take a deep breath and answer. "I never have had the best of luck with guys, even as friends. I mean I did... but that was before-" once again I cut myself off to take a deep breath and look at each and every one of my friends. No one is smirking anymore, they all look confused except Cali and Ricky. "before Ryan. He ruined me and I've only ever told two people about this so please don't flip out, or be mad." I say taking another deep breath. Ricky moves his arm from my shoulder down to my hands, that were still twisting and turning together, he takes my hand intertwining them, I ignore the sparks shooting through my body, and finish telling them about Ryan. "Me and Ryan became friends and shortly after it turned into something more. I was 17 and he was 18 so it was technically illegal. But on my 18th birthday he took me out to a hotel and tryed to have sex with me, I refused and he got mad and I didn't see him for about a week. He apologized, and of course I forgave him, I mean I thought I was in love with him at the time. I also thought he loved me... Some time later he tried to have sex with me again but this time he wasn't taking no for an answer. He raped me. And after that he left. That's why it's so hard for me to trust anyone, he broke me. I've only ever told Cali, and Ricky. But that's not the only reason." I finish with only a few tears. They all seem to ignore my last statement. Cali rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. That's when I break, right there in my best friends arms, I break. She let's go and I'm pulled into another hug, by the lovely smell I can tell its my brother, Connor.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Aubree." Connor whispers in my hair sobbing with me. Pretty soon I feel him let go and I'm pulled in Kian's arms.

"He can't hurt you anymore, I promise." Kian whispers softly to me. Kian doesn't even get a chance to let go before Jenn and Andrea are hugging me. I can feel Andrea and Jenn shake, meaning they started crying too. Kian let's go and I hear sniffling I pull away and look up. Jc is standing in front of my holding his arms open with tears streaming down his face. I quickly hug Jc and begin to calm down a little bit. I pull away and look up at him he smiles at me and tilts his head towards Ricky. I turn around and see a few tears streaming down his face, even though I've told him before. I walk over to him and he wipes my tears and smudged makeup away with the pad of his thumb. I smile and lean into his touch. After my face is dry and I'm calmed down I look back up at Ricky's beautiful brown eyes and get lost in them. I'm quickly pulled into another hug. I snuggle into his chest feeling the sparks vibrate through my body and we just stay like that for what felt like forever, but wasn't long enough.

"Let's get you to bed." Ricky whispers to me taking my hand and taking me to his room.

"Why are we in you room?" I ask very curious. I've never been in here, but it's surprisingly clean and neatly decorated.

"I'm not letting you sleep by yourself." he says blushing and scratching the back of his neck.

"Cali's in there, but she tosses and turns." I said walking towards Ricky's bed.

"You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." he says grabbing extra blankets from his closet.

"No!" I shoot back a little too fast, earning a weird look from Ricky. "I mean, I won't make you sleep on the floor, after all this is your room, you were nice enough to let me stay here for the night." I fix.

"Oh ok." he answers putting the blankets back.

"Uhh... Do you happen to have anything I can wear, I think Cali's probably sleeping or getting ready for bed, I mean its... 11:30?!? Wow!" I ask.

"Oh ya sure." he says walking to his dresser opening the drawers pulling out items. Then he walk over to me and hands them to me. "Here you go." he says with a smile.

I walk out of the room and head towards the bathroom taking off my cloths and looking at the cloths Ricky gave me. There's a long Black Tshirt that's has the YouTube symbol on it, and some red boxers. I blush he gave me boxers... Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I slip the clothes on and look at my almost healed wrists. There really itchy, but it's an itch that can only be scratched by my razor. I promised though, even if I wanted to I couldn't, Connor took them away. I pull my hair up in a messy bun and grab a headband that was sitting next it the sink, it happened to be red. Next I take off my makeup and walk out of the bathroom and head towards Ricky's room. When I walk in Ricky is standing in front of his bunny's cage, not facing me. The thing that shocked me was Ricky was shirtless and only in boxers. I clear my throat making him jump and whip around to look at me. He looks me up and down, then smirks.

"You look nice in my cloths." he says still smirking. I blush and walk over to his bed. I pull the covers up and slide in on one side. Soon I feel the bed dip indicating Ricky's getting in also. Then the covers lift and he slides in right behind me, but not touching me. I start shivering, his room is cold, and I usually sleep in long pants and a sweatshirt even in San Clemente. Ricky's arm snakes around my frozen waist instantly warming it and pulls my body towards him. I turn around with his arm still around me and wrap my arms around his waist also. I'm met by his beautiful brown eyes once again, I just stare at them as he just stars at mine. We stay like this for a while, until he starts to lean in.

(AN: CLIFFHANGER!!! HAHA SORRY NOT SORRY!?! How are you? I'm so excited I literally have four days tell OMGMusicfest! and in top if that I have over 700 reads!!! Like what? how did that happen?!? AHHH!!! THANK YOU SO FREAKEN MUCH! I love reading your comments, so if you like something, or even dislike something feel free to comment it. I like constructive criticism, but I like love just a little bit more. Haha :) thank you all! Love you guys!~ Love Emily)

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