Underground city (rewrite)

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"The Earth needs you, Marcella. We'll be fine. You can do this. We believe in you." That what's my guardian always say to me when I was little. But nothing can last forever. My name is Marcella Quartz Universe and I'm the last human on earth. Unlike other humans I'm half human and half magic, on my mother side I mean. There's nothing left, 'The old World', crumbling buildings, house destroyed, and my favorite (which is not) gem monsters. Usually I walk around in this haunted town of mind to find something for me to survive at least. I'm the last gem warrior left on this planet, what would I do to go to the surface

I lived underground, ever since the virus came here my guardians put me in the pod so I can be safe but they weren't so lucky to make it. The last thing I remember was me putting in the pod, they turn it on and right before I was asleep it was like a sound of a Big Bang. I see the upper ground through the sewers and it looks like my old world except without humans but with animals. As much I want to go up and feel the sun on my skin, I don't want to be some type of 'Scientists discover Bigfoots cousin, The hairless Sasquatch'! Sometimes when I'm out I practiced with my gem. I'm getting good at summoning my shield from time to time, it can retrieve like Thor's hammer or something. Just one of these days I wish something can happen.


G: Mr. McDuck my sensors are picking up something underground.

S: is it another earth quake?

G: no it's something else, there's appear to be life form underground.

S: what, is it mole people again.

G: I don't know what it is but it seems some type of energy source.

S: looks like I got myself another adventure, better tell the kids.


D: alright this is Dewey Dew-night!

H: Dewey, Dewey!

D: what?! What is it?!

H: Uncle Scrooge's wants a meeting, right now.

Dewey and webby look at each other and hope they weren't trouble. For only a few reason, but Dewey stop the show and the three went to the living room.

S: okay so as you all know, Gyro recently discover life underground.

H: is it rock people?

S: where the blazin you hear that!

H: just.......... a thought.

S: right but no it's not rock people.

D: then what is it

S: I don't know but the life source gives massive energy.

S: so pack up your thing everyone we're going on a adventure!

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