Worse by the day (rewrite)

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It's been a couple of days since Marcella got sick, each day she took much medicine by day and night. At night she's still awake by coughing and her sore throat. The others still worried about her and hopes she can be better soon.

D: man, Marcella is not looking so good.

L: what do you expect, we can hear her coughing each night.

H: come on Louie, she has been dealing with this.

W: oh! Maybe we can see if she needs anything like when I'm sick granny gives me tea with honey.

H: That could work.

The kids went to Marcella room and they saw her sitting on her bed looking out of the window.

H: hey Marcella.

M: hey guys, have been seeing less of you kids nowadays.

D: yeah, how are you feeling?

M: the same as I been feeling for the couple of days.

W: is there anything we can help?

M: no, it's all right. Here, when I was young I made a journal of my mother's kind and what they use. Maybe you can learn more about me being a gem and all.

 Maybe you can learn more about me being a gem and all

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D: that's awesome

L: if we're lucky to find some old artifacts I'm gonna sell them in the internet.

M: just don't do anything dumb with it.

The kids read page to page of Marcella book. It almost hold all of Gem history, before she was even born. They found a page called "The fountain of healing tears".

D: so there's a place to heal all things?

H: maybe it can help Marcella with her fever

L: are we really going down there to get some of that healing magic to help Marcella. We have medicine and if that doesn't work we can take her to the hospital.

H: except none of the medicine aren't working for her since she's half gem and all.

D: then what are we waiting for? Let go underground!

W: I'll get launchpad

The kids went to the digger and prepare to go underground to find the fountain.

Lp: you think Marcella will be okay

W: she's strong, we'll fine the fountain.

H: okay, once we find it I'll put the water in my water canteen.

L: problem genius, we don't know where it is.

D: not really cause when Marcella was sleeping I went through her trunk and found a flute that can actually warp us to anywhere and the map to the fountain.

H: does Marcella know you went through her stuff

D: nope, so let's do this fast

Dewey got the flute while the others where on the warp pad. Dewey blow and sends them to the fountains location.

H: okay here we are

Once they got there all they saw was thorn vines everywhere. It surrounded the fountain and couldn't fine a single drop of healing water.

 It surrounded the fountain and couldn't fine a single drop of healing water

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L: we came all this way for nothing!

W: maybe there's a drain somewhere.

D: webby's right, let's look around.

Everyone look around, they check the outside and now, going to the inside. They saw a statue of a lady and thought it was Marcella mom.

 They saw a statue of a lady and thought it was Marcella mom

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W: so that's Marcella mom?

D: if we can see her eyes open, maybe they'll look alike.

But not to long they notice a lot of thorn bushes around them.

H: is it me or are those bushes moving?

L: don't be so paranoid, there plants, they can't move

They all look at the bushes and notices they are moving. One with thorns came right at webby but dodge quickly.

D: guys in the fountain, they can't jump!

The kids went in the fountain and notice they're surrounded by the thorn bushes

L: this can't be how I die!

H: there's gotta be another way.

D: everyone, look around and find something that can help us

Everyone look around the inside of the fountain but found nothing. But they heard something from the fountain and saw water coming out of the statue eyes. It came down on the children and wet the thorn bushes, everything around them turn into roses

Lp: hey guys, what I miss?

D: launchpad, what did you do?

Lp: nothing, I just unclog this drain and then water came out.

W: this must be the healing tears of what Marcella book was talking about.

L: okay let's get some and get out of here!

After that everyone left the fountain and head back to the mansion. But not to long when Mrs. Beakley was waiting for them at the front door. And she was not happy.

Mb: where did you all go?!

D: we just went to a fountain of healing tears to help Marcella feel better.

W: since she's half gem maybe it can help her if she drink it

Mb: well, none of the medicines aren't helping so why not.

Everyone came to Marcella room and handed her the the water. She drank all the way from the bottom and went to sleep. Mrs. Beakley check her temperature and her fever is going down.

Mb: goodness, it actually work. Well done kids but your still in trouble for not informing us

The kids sigh but happy to see Marcella all better. They left the room so Marcella get some quiet but not to long when Scrooge enter her room to check up on her.

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