Chapter 2 : Decision

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Kaizo walk through TAPOPS corridor. His head looks down.

"What's with the serious face? Trying to make a scary impression for our juniors?" ask Axion teasingly as she walk towards him

"H-huh?! No." said Kaizo

"So.... where have you been ?" 

"Just, hanging out"

"Without me? where'd you off to?"said Axion as she makes a dissapointed face

"I was out looking for intel" 

"Ohhh.. New mission? What kind?"

"Just another boring mission" said Kaizo 

"Boring mission .... hehehe" Axion chuckled

"What?" Kaizo ask with a smile

"You're a captain. Usually TAPOPS would give you heavy mission. I wonder what kind of mission is 'boring' to our girls idol Captain Kaizo" said Axion 

Kaizo shook his head and chuckled. 

"So, do you have plan tonight?" ask Axion

"Yeah. I kinda do, actually" said Kaizo

"Is that so....."

Kaizo give Axion a light kiss. "Next time. We'll have fun together" 

Axion looked at Kaizo as he walk further. 

"Something is ...... different with him" she mumbled


Kaizo looked up at the endless space through the window. Pieces of information spread in his mind.

"People used to go to that planet. But lately, those who came to Gogobugi, never come out. They tried to communicate but they're never get replies. So they create a search team to look at that planet. But the search team themselves never come back. They stop looking for answers since then" said the bartender at Astrabar. 

Many rumor and theories were made but no one brave enough to visit Gogobugi and look for the truth. 

Planet Gogobugi is now a beast land, taken over by hydraeon creatures.

But the people of Gogobugi who survived build camps.

Is what was written at the mail.

"People of Gogobugi who survived build camps...." Kaizo thought to himself. "If there's any chance that my parents are still alive....."

"Sorry. You must've been waiting long" said Admiral Tarung

"Not at all, Admiral" said Kaizo as he gives a salute

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" ask Admiral

"I was wondering if you would give me permission to go home" 

"Home?! Hahahaha" Admiral laugh loudly. "Of course you can go home. Give yourself some holiday" 

"No. I mean, I want to go to Gogobugi" said Kaizo

The whole command room turned silent. 

"And based on what reason you want to go there?" Admiral asked in serious tone.

"I have received information regarding Gogobugi" said Kaizo as he showed the mail.

The Admiral looked closely at the mail, leaving Kaizo wait with hopes. The room suddenly go intense. 

"Are you sure this is not just another rumor?" ask Admiral

"Rumor or not if there's a chance to help people of Gogobugi then I will not miss it" said Kaizo

"Hmm... This is still not convincing enough to send a team to Gogobugi" said Commander Kokoci

"I don't need a team" said Kaizo which shock the whole room

"It's okay if you don't back me up. I can go alone" said Kaizo

"Calm down, Kaizo. Before you harshly make decision let's think first" said Admiral.

"Admiral is right. No one has ever come back from that planet up until now. Going there could be suicide. Not to mention you're going alone" said Commander.

"Huh. I don't care what kind of creature hydraeon is. I can fight them" said Kaizo.

"What about Fang?" asked Admiral

Kaizo startled. He think of an answer but nothing came out.

"If you're going to lose yourself, who can Fang look up to? Who can he relied to?" said Admiral as he hold Kaizo's shoulder.

"If you're really going there, Kaizo. You must at least talk with your brother. And talk it out with Axion too. You meddled with her past before. Now it is just right for Axion to also know your past" said Admiral.

Kaizo think for a moment. "Allright. I will think about it" said Kaizo as he gives a salute. 

He walks out the command room and think as he walk through the corridor. On the way, he notice Axion standing at the balcony. 

"I don't want you to get hurt because of following me" Kaizo thought to himself as he looked at Axion's back.

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