🥀Chapter Ten🥀

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Photo- Samatha


I was currently sat In the head teachers office with Samatha right next to me. After the mini fight that was interrupted by 4 teachers ripping us apart we were both escorted to heads room.

We where currently having to help him with his paper work as punishment. Because I was the one that threw the first punch I'm in litter pickin duty right after school. Whoop!


A couple hours passed and the final school bell rang. Samatha quickly dismissed herself leaving me to clean all her shit and go pick litter. My day just can't get worse at this point.

I quickly bundled all the papers and threw them in the filling cabinet grabbing the litter pick shit from the corner of the rustic office. God this teacher is so old fashioned it's ridiculous

A grabbed my bag knowing that once my time was up there gonna be no keeping me. I walked round to the back field to see Annie, sam, ben and Danny. Ben and Danny had the litter picking gear as-well and was walking around while sam chucked rubbish at them both.

I hurried towards them to ask what they where doing when sam started chucking rubbish at me as-well.

"Sam bettley I swear to god carry on" I yelled

"Lyric bettley it would be my pleasure To" he mocked continuing to chuck rubbish about all over the place I just walked up to ben and Danny helping them both. "So why are you two on litter duty" I asked sounding really dumb

"My shifty maths teacher sighed me up" Danny said getting mad and sam for throughing the rubbish

"And I'm here because of what happened with Samatha earlier" ben sighed rolling his eyes

"She such a bitch" I said allowing anger to seep into every word

"She's hot though" ben chuckled while I just looked at him in disgust

"If you go anywhere near that you will contract and std" I sighed while a shiver went down my back. "You can already smell something fishy when she comes around" I continued

"Calm down sweetheart I'm not gonna replace you as my best friend" ben chuckled "I never took you as a jealous type" he continued

I just rolled my eyes. I'm not jealous it's just I don't want ben to fall in love with anyone besides..... shit why is stuff like that still popping into my head. He's my bestfriend I've not even known him that long. But then again he did help me with the Danny situation and he's been there for me since he arrived

"Times up time to get the fuck out" Danny said emptying his bag all over as we all began to exit the gates.

"Danny where all gonna get shit for that and we will be on litter picking duty again" ben complained. "I'm already in enough shit with my mum since she's got that phone call" ben continued be a little bitch

"Stop being a little bitch ben" Danny chuckled causing bens face to look annoyed

"Anyone got plans for tonight" I asked. Even though I'm not aloud to drink with tablets I'm hoping that one of these idiots got invited to a party

"I got invited to a party by my friend Haley" Annie spoke up smiling

I don't know why I hated her at first she actually seems really sweet which is good because sam deserves someone sweet after all he's done for other people

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