Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Jack G's POV:

We got of the buss and start heading towards the park.

"Let's go to California Adventure." Taylor suggests.

"But I want to go to Disney Land." Jack J wines.

"Come on California Adventure." Nash chants.

"California!!" Matt chants.

"California!" Cameron chants.

Then soon all of us are chanting "California" except Jack J

"Come on buddy." I say.

He looks at me and sighs.

"Fine." Jack says and we all cheer.

We all start heading to California Adventure while getting our tickets out. We go through ticket checking and finally get into the park.

"What should we do first?" Brooke asks.

We all just stand there and think.

"Hey, Cars land is still kinda new lets see if we can go on Radior Spring Racers." Layla says.

All of us agree and head over to cars land. I look over at Shawn and he still really upset. This morning he found out Cameron and Layla are dating. I feel for sucks to like a person you can't have. I walk over to Shawn and pat his shoulder.

"You okay dude?" I ask.

"Ya...I'm okay." He says not looking up.

"Hey Cameron might be dating her..but he can't keep you away from her." I whisper in his ear hoping he gets what I mean.

Shawn looks up and gives me a smile.

"Your right Jack..he can't keep her away from me." He says and walks over to Layla.

I smile and walk next to Jack. We finally see Cars Land and run over to Radior Spring Racers. Jade runs over to see the wait time.

"The wait time is....20 minutes." She says.

"That's not bad." Matt says.

"Ya lets just wait in the line." Nash says and we all agree.

We all hop in line and wait.

Layla's POV:

It's been 5 minutes into the line and Taylor,Nash,and Jade are already getting hyped. Taylor is jumping around. And Nash and Jade are messing with people. I watch them and I just laugh. I keep watching them but then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Shawn.

"Hey." I say with a smile.

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to sit next to me?" He asks smiling.

I turn and look at Cameron and he's talking to Matt. I don't think Cameron will mind...Shawn and I are just friends. I turn back to Shawn and smile.

"Sure." I say with a smile.

Shawn and I talk for a while and I never knew how funny he was. We both found out we both deeply loved to sing.

"So what's your favorite thing to do?" Shawn asks.

"I know it's weird but I love to the shower." I say laughing.

"You like to sing too." He says excitedly.

"Ya I love to sing." I say.

"We'll you will have to show me later." He says smiling.

"Of course." I say.

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