The Beginning

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Kirishima's P.O.V

It was another ordinary day. Just me casually eating my food.... all alone. As usual. Oh how I wish I had a friend.... just one friend at least...? Please....? But no.... everyone thinks of me as a freak, a loser, a nobody.... and much more upsetting insults. I just don't get it. Why do I have to live like this?-

My thoughts suddenly get cut off the moment I hear some very familiar voices. I raise my eyebrows and widen my eyes in complete fear, slowly looking up, horrified.

"Well, well, well.... look what we have here! It's Kirishima!" Shigaraki announces, approaching me along with the other two beside. "Great to see ya bud..." Overhaul grins widely. "Glad to see that you're here today.... because I sure hope you remember that you owe us some money." Dabi reminds me. "Oh- uh... right... well... um.... here you go then." I stutter out nervously, getting my small bag out and handing it over to Dabi, then scratching the back of my neck. He gladly takes the little bag of money and starts counting the money, Overhaul and Shigaraki watching very closely. "You little dumbass bitch- this isn't the right amount!" The male cussed out angrily, punching me right in the face. "I know! I know! I'm sorry! I ran out of money! I promise I'll give you the right amount of money next time! Just please, don't hurt me!" I shouted, my eyes starting to create tear drops from the amount of pain I got just from one punch. "I am going to-" "To do what bitch?" An unfamiliar voice all the sudden questions. We all turn our attention over to the unfamiliar voice of someone's. I then widen my eyes uncontrollably, the others also widening their eyes as well from utter shock. It's Bakugou Katsuki.... THE BAKUGOU KATSUKI, THE FUCKING PRINCE OF MERMANIA! THE NEXT RULER! HOLY SHIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! MY EYES! WHAT'S HE DOING HERE?! Each one of us instantly bows down to the prince. He then goes up close to the three of them. "Don't you ever fucking try coming up to him again unless you want your motherfucking brains to be blown out. Got it?" He said intensely, looking at each and every one of them closely in the eye. They each give him a little bit of a nod and scramble away in full speed like a flippin sailfish.

Bakugou's P.O.V

"Fucking assholes...." I cussed out under my breath, boiling with absolute anger. I then turn my head around to the guy, my face somewhat calmer. "You ok...?" I asked worriedly, approaching him. He wipes his tears away and swims over to me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Thank you...." He mumbled softly under his breath. I blush a light tint of red and gently begin to melt into the hug. I don't usually like such affection but this honestly felt somehow.... different. I honestly can't explain this type of feeling. Never have I ever felt this way towards someone before. Like ever. Really. "It's uh... no problem." I somehow smile a little bit. Woah what the actual fuck- I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF. I DON'T EVEN LIKE SMILING. WHATS GOTTEN INTO ME? I attempt to keep my cool down. He sadly pulls away from the hug, I frown a bit but still keep smiling. He smiles back at me. Oh my god.... what is this type of effect he's giving me. This is not ok. God.... this smile is fucking everything I needed in my life. Where have you been all my life?! Holy shit... it's brighter then the fucking sun. I can't right now. He suddenly blushes a bright red, probably even more darker then his fucking shitty ass hair. "Sorry... I didn't mean to hug you so suddenly... I just don't really know how I could possibly repay you. I mean like... you're the prince! And I'm just a.... nobody... please, tell me how I can repay you! I'll do anything! This honestly means more then the world to me!" He tells me. "Tch... Chill, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's not like I'm gonna fucking punish you for hugging me." I ensure him, chuckling. "And 1, you don't have to fucking repay me and 2, you're not a nobody you idiot." I then said. "Phew... ok, we're good! But really, thanks once again!" He Sighs in relief and laughs a little bit. "Anyways... I'm Kirishima Eijirou! It's a pleasure to meet you Prince Bakugou!" The guy happily states with a bright toothy smile on his face. "Goddamnit.... you don't have to be so formal with me just because I'm a damn fucking prince. It's annoying ass fuck." I cuss out, annoyed. "But any who, nice to meet you too.... shitty hair." I then Say. "Ok, ok! I won't be formal then! I'm sorry!" Shitty hair apologises to me. "And Aye! My hairs not even that different from yours!" Kiri crosses his arms. "Whatever..." I roll my eyes, giggling a little bit afterwards. "Sooooo..... does this mean we're friends now...?" Kirishima then asks me out of the blue curiously. "I mean- sure I guess...." I simply just shrug. "Really? Sweet!" He cheers happily, smiling widely. I then end up smiling once again. Goddamnit- his fucking smile is contagious. Help me please. "Ok I know you said that I don't need to repay you but like.... can I at least treat you after school? Just to show my appreciation?" The boy offers me, tilting his head to the side a little bit. "Fine..." I sigh deeply, rolling my eyes and folding my arms. "Great! I'll be waiting for you outside of school then!" He informs joyfully. The bell then rings for next period. "Oop that's the bell now- see ya!" Kiri waves his hand and swims away over to his next class. "Alright.... bye then." I say and start heading to my next class as well.

Authors Note
Ayeee mothatruckas! The bitch is finally back and is willing to fucking rewrite this shit! I honestly can't thank y'all enough for actually reading this shit even tho it's terribly written. But aye, at least I'm rewriting it! I apologise for taking so fucking long. Tons of bs happened in my life recently and it's just been pretty chaotic. But it'll get better, I'm sure of it. I hope you all don't mind me just changing up the plot of this fanfic and rewriting it to hopefully make it better. Please continue to read this fanfic and comment on the chapters cuz y'all are the absolute shit fr! Alright bitches I'm out byeeeee

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