Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kirishima's P.O.V

The sun shines brightly upon my face. I growl and put my right hand to cover up most of my face since the sun is shining so brightly.

I sit up and let out a loud yawn. I then freeze. I realise that today is the day that Kat is coming over. Sh*t! I think to myself. I better get ready ASAP!

I swim to my full length mirror and look at myself. Damn it... my hair looks so messy. I thought. After that, I open my little sea shell and take out my hair brush as well as some Merman  hair gel. I then style my hair to the usual spiky one. Ik Kat thinks it's sh*tty but I still like it either way.

Right after that, I swim to the dining room and sit on my usual spot. There's already some food on the table. Just the usual sea weed salad. (Eito and Eijirou are fit boiz)

I start eating the sea weed salad. Then I see a figure popping up. Eito... of course. "Hey man!" Eito Smiles And sits across from me. "Hey!" I reply back, smiling back. "How's the salad?" He questions. "Delicious as always!" I Said. "Good to hear." Eito simply says. "So... Bakugou's coming over at lunch, right?" Eito wonders out of the blue. "Uh... yeah man!" I agreed. "Cool, I'm excited!" He laughed. I laugh nervously. "Anyways, imma start getting the food ready for lunch so see ya later man!" He commented. "Alright, see ya." I spoke.

He swims away. I stay there silent, in deep thought. Dang it... I'm so nervous. How unmanly of me.

Mina's P.O.V

I swim over to Bakugou's room and knock, hoping for him to answer quickly since I'm very impatient. "Who the f*ck is it?" Growled Bakugou. "It's Mina!" I bellow. "Tch... come in." He mutters. I do as he says and sit down beside him. "So... you excited to meet Kirishima's big bro?" I ask. "Pff... no.." Bakugou said. "Awww, is little Bakugou nervous?" I tease. "N-no! Shut your trap!" He practically shouts. "Geez Calm down! I was just playing!" I laugh. "Fine..." He mumbled.

"Look, no matter how many times you deny you aren't nervous. I can clearly see through you that you are nervous and that's ok! There's no need to be so nervous! Just think positively and hope for the best! I'm sure Kirishima's brother will like you!" I cheer. "Tch... Fine... t-thanks." Bakugou stutters. My face brightens up. He actually said thank you. Now that, I don't get often or anyone really! I knew Bakugou had a soft side. I bet Kirishima sees it 24/7.... how cute, hehe..

"No problem softy!" I tease once again. "What was that?!" He snapped. "N-nothing!" I say nervously, waving my hands in front of my face.

"Good." He mutters. "Welp.. it's almost lunch! You should get going! You're servant has already prepared your sea horse for you." I told. He nods and swims outside to his sea horse. I then go back to what I was doing.

Bakugou's P.O.V

I sat on my sea horse and head to Eijiroo's house. I'm so f*cking nervous. What will Eijiroo's brother think of me? Will he like me? Am I in his standards? What type of Merman is Eijiroo's brother? Many questions float through my head.                                               

                   ~Moments Later~

I arrive at Eijiroo's place. Goddamit... I'm so f*cking nervous.

I swim to the little home and stay still. F*ck... I'm so nervous that I have to freeze. I just stayed still for a couple of seconds before I saw a familiar figure swimming towards me, I turn to face the familiar figure. It's Eijiroo.

"Hey Kat!" Eijiroo Smiled. "Uh.. hi." I spoke. "I'm glad you came." Eijiroo muttered. "Yeah.." I mumble, stroking my hair nervously.

"Aye, Eijirou! Bring Bakugou in! I finished preparing the food!" Shouted an unfamiliar voice. "Mkay!" Eijiroo shouts back.

Wait... I think that's Eijiroo's big brother? Sh*t...

"Come on!" Eijiroo insisted, taking my hand and swimming inside.

We both swim inside. It's quite small but pretty decent. Eijiroo motioned me to sit beside him on the table. I do as he says and we stay silent for a little bit.

An unknown figure appears out of the blue and approaches me. "Hey there man! You must be Bakugou, I'm Eito. Eijirou's big brother. It's nice to finally meet you." He Smiles And lets his hand out for a hand shake. I look at him. I notice that he looks a lot like Eijiroo.

"Uh.. yeah, it's nice to meet you too Eito." I stutter and shake his hand.

He lets go off my hand and sits across from me and Eijiroo. "Eat up!" Eito cheers. I do a little nod and start eating as well as Eijiroo and Eito.

It's silent for a couple of minutes before Eito speaks.

"So.. how've you been doing?" Eito questions me. "I've been doing good, thanks for asking." I reply. God f*cking damn it... I hate acting so polite but Mina suggested it'd be better for a good first impression.

"That's good to hear." Eito said. "Anyways... Eijirou, why exactly did Bakugou come here for lunch? I mean I don't wanna come out rude or anything but I'm just curious, it seemed that it was for something important?" Eito Wonders.

"Uh.. well.." Eijiroo starts but stops to look at me nervously. I look back at him and nod. I know exactly what he means. He nods back and Gulps. "We have something important to let you." Eijiroo Finishes. "Ahh ok, and what might that be?" Eito asks curiously.

Eijiroo freezes. I think he's too scared to tell his brother so I bud in. "We're dating." I simply say, trying to sound tough. He stops eating and stares at us like we're a disappointment for a couple of seconds.

Oh sh*t... don't tell me he's disappointed or some sh*t. I don't wanna see Eijiroo upset or something. I might loose my sh*t if Eito makes him upset.

I look at Eijiroo. He's face is staring at the ground, it looks like he's on the urge of crying. I hold his hand tightly under the table.

"Pff, hahahahaha!" Eito Laughs. Eijiroo and I look up at Eito, still laughing his a*s off. Why the f*ck is he laughing?! Is this some sick joke or something?

"Oh you should've seen your guys faces!" Eito practically screams, still laughing. I quirk my brow. "Wha-what?" Is all Eijiroo can say. "Guys! I'm not mad or anything! I was just kidding!" (Credits go to @TshiTheDerpyIdiot for the idea) Eito announces. Eijiroo and I both widen our eyes.

Are you f*cking serious? That made me almost loose my f*cking sh*t! Goddamit...

"Are you serious Eito?! You almost made me cry!" Eijiroo shouts. "Look, I'm sorry! Ok! I was just having a little fun!" Laughed Eito.

"It's fine." I sigh. "So... does that mean your ok with us being a thing?" Asked Eijiroo. "Yep, I'll always support you guys! As long as you Bakugou will take care of my brother and love him with all your heart." Eito acknowledges. "I promise I'll take care of him and love him with all my heart." I smile a little. "Good!" Eito Smiles, along with Eijiroo.

And so Eito, Bakugou and Kirishima enjoy the rest of their lunch.

And that's chapter 8! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not updating frequently! School is hitting me like a bomb as well as other things, I'll try my best to update my fanfic whenever I can. Ok, bye now!


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