The binding white light of the third eye

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Just a night ago checkmate, no not checkmate. Viridia, expected to go to sleep after a long day of work and wake up the same tomorrow, unfortunately, she awoke in a room with piercing white light, hurting her eyes, "hello? hellooo?" she yelled "whoever is in control of the lights here, can you tone it down a little?" the lights suddenly dimmed as she let out a sigh of relief. until she noticed she couldn't move. suddenly, she saw some one in the distance, as they walked closer she noticed, she was looking at herself! but... not her? They stepped closer as she noticed their galaxy colored sweater and a cut in their ear. their third eye fully opened and the other two closed. she noticed, she was screwed.

"who are you?" she questioned, examining the figure, who just shook their head and chuckled "I'm you silly!" in which viridia responded in, "but... I'm right here, how are you me if I'm you?" the person shook their head and the room suddenly turned into a busy café, as they sat there, viridia holding a cup of green tea all of the sudden. "oh you, you really don't get it do you? everyone told you ya where just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. you really did take it lightly didn't you?" viridia set down the green tea and nodded "I know what's going on." her tone getting serious "My mother warned me of this moment." the person nodded. "right, on, her, deathbed." they responded, smiling. "just give me a name, please." viridia said, getting angry. "alright, lets just call me... aidiriv." aidiriv said, grinning. "I see what you did there. now what do you want?" viridia said angrily. "you see, I have a proposition."

"No!" viridia stood up and tried to push over the table, which vanished and the room went back to white. "no need to get violent, viridia!" aidiriv said, pulling out a long stick with a knife duct taped to the end. "recognize this, viridia?" aidiriv said smirking. "STOP IT! JUST STOP!" viridia said, crying "remember back then, four years ago..." viridia kneeled down and held onto the sides of her head, trying not to cry. "you where so happy back then. you could actually smile. remember, what was that boys name?" aidiriv stepped over to viridia, chuckling "oh yeah, lobey wasn't it?" at this point viridia was crying "all those sleepless nights you spent, fueled on coffee to make that book, which he still hasn't used." viridia banged her fist on the ground "JUST STOP! please..." she said through tears "oh you poor thing. and that talk you had. where mentioned things are best left in the past? really hoping he wouldn't agree? oh but he did." aidiriv smiled and looked down on viridia, who was a mess "oh what say you, beholder of the eye?" viridia stood up and wiped her eyes, rolling up her sleeves and then lunging a fist at aidiriv, who moved out of the way before it landed. "you can't hit me, I control this place, and I control, you." she said, poking viridia's forehead, as the third eye opened quickly. "there's my little window to that world." aidiriv said, knocking down viridia "any last words, my puppet?" viridia opened her mouth to speak, inhaling and then exhaling "I'm sorry for letting this happen. I'm so weak." she said, right after aidiriv slit her throat, taking over the body. she then awoke in her bed, sitting up. she walked slowly over to the mirror and looked into it. A cut in her ear, a galaxy sweater, and only a third eye open.

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