**Chapter Eleven**

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AN: Names abbreviated
Them = Sapphire and Kaitlyn
Us = Laurent and Larry


Almost six weeks later, we were laying back on my bed, side by side looking up at the ceiling with smiles from ear to ear.  Organising our dinner with Sapphire (Sapp) and Kaitlyn (Kat) proved to be a nightmare.  When we were available, they weren't and vice versa.  Our full on schedule and their eye popping commitments ensured it wouldn't happen anytime soon, until 7.30am this morning . . . Our manager called to let us know our luncheon meeting was cancelled . . . Excited, we waited until 8am and called Sapp and Kat hoping and praying they were free to meet for lunch . . . They were . . . With a twist.

Of all days possible, we found out after the call to Sapp and Kat why our luncheon was cancelled . . . Winter was well and truely on the way.  Overnight, a blizzard blastered through and blanketed the city in a full blown white out

We met Sapp, Kat, Thomas (Tom), Eric, Aroha, Amour, Rascal and Sonic at the mall greeting with big hugs.  We hadn't seen each other since Aroha and Amour's birthday and they were in the city shopping for home schooling supplies.  With Tom and Eric's fingers tucked through Sapp and Kat's bangles and Aroha and Amour gripping our pinkies between us, we strolled through the mall, up six flights of stairs and entered a restaurant, sitting in a booth opposite Sapp and Kat, Tom, Eric, Aroha and Amour in the curve, Aroha and Amour on booster seats between Tom and Eric . . . This restaurant was a little different to what we were use too but very cosy with 360 degree views of the city and a padded area littered with dogs of all sizes either relaxing or crunching down on bones.

Sapp and Kat told us this restaurant and another three around the city are the only places that allow dogs on the premises provided they are socialised, trained or service dogs and are operated by the military as off site chef training facilities.  When our feast of pizza's, pasta and other delectables arrived, we blessed and all tucked in.  Throughout we all talked and laughed, we were surprised at how much Aroha and Armour ate.  A small meat lovers pizza, bowl of chicken Alfredo topped off with apple pie and fruit salad, washed down with a litre of almond milk . . . Each.  We were told they were going through growth spurts and would literally eat non stop for up to seven weeks then suddenly stop and sprout . . . There we were struggling with a large pizza each and a glass of sprite.

Before we left the restaurant we were invited to join them at 'Pluto's, they wouldn't tell us about the place, we accepted anyway

With Aroha and Amour again gripping our pinkies, we strolled back through the mall, exited, crossed the road, walked for about fifteen minutes and entered a building . . . To our surprise it was an indoor playground for children of all ages.  For two hours we let loose with running, jumping, swinging, sliding, climbing and non stop laughing, stopping a few times to strip down to t-shirts, catch our breaths and to have drinks . . . As for Sapp, Kat and them, they were full on.  We thought we were fit, Sapp and Kat didn't even break a sweat.

From there we returned to the mall and entered a store we were very familiar with . . An ice cream and yoghurt parlour.  They also make mean thickshakes to which we all ordered along with mini apple pies, banana splits, tubs of yoghurt and fruit salads for Aroha and Amour and chocolate chip cookies for the rest of us.

Upon finishing, we escorted them to there vehicles.  We wanted to check them out and "woahed" when all the doors automatically opened, including the back and steps lowered, except the drivers.  There was room for a front and back passenger.  The other side behind the driver contained air conditioned K-9 units, the remaining space had rotating shelves.  The dashboard was covered in all sorts of keyboards and everything was HUD, 'heads 'up 'displayed to the top of the windscreen and windows on the front doors, fitted with racing seats and five point harnesses including Aroha and Amour's booster seats in the back.  Transmission, eight speed triptronic, directly behind the drivers seat . . . Shot guns.

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