What is this feeling?

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   There was a new family in Bokuto's town. And they have moved in a house that was standing across the street where Bokuto was living. So when the family moved in, Bokuto and his family were the second ones to notice that a man and a boy started to live in that house.

   Bokuto Koutarou met that boy for the first time when he went to his part time job. It was the first weekend after they moved in.

   Bokuto woke up, he styled his hair and he left the house. It was a sunny Saturday, and even tho it was the end of the September the morning was really warm and nice. Blue sky with no clouds, singing birds, headphones in his ears... Everything was perfect.

   Bokuto took a deep breath and for an unknown reason he looked at the dark wooden doors on the other side of a street. The doors suddenly opened and a tall, young (and very very handsome) boy came out.

   He had dark hair and a pretty face. He wasn't smiling but he wasn't frowning either. He had a neutral expression on his face. He was wearing a black shirt and dark-blue shorts. He put black earphones to his ears and stretched his hands and legs.

   Bokuto gulped. That body... Those muscles... That face. He couldn't look away. The boy's body was hypnotizing. When that boy looked at Bokuto, Bokuto's heart suddenly started to beat oddly fast and his face turned red. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach.

   This is strange. What is this feeling? I never felt like this. Hah, funny feelings.

   Pretty boy walked down the stairs and started running. And Bokuto, without realizing it, started running too. Slower, so the boy wouldn't notice him. He was looking at his hands, legs, thighs, his back... and yes, even at the boy's butt.

   Whoa... Why am I doing this? I'm acting like a weirdo. And I have some place to be. I should stop right now...

   Bokuto's mobile started ringing so he finally stopped running and he looked at the name of the caller. He picked up his phone and looked at the street, but the pretty boy was nowhere to be seen.

   "I hope it's important, Kuroo, or..." Bokuto sighed.

   "What?" Kuroo said confused.

   "Er. It's... Nothing. I just... I just saw the most beautiful person on this planet and now - thanks to you - he's gone."

   "Sorry for your lost. Really. I will never forgive myself for this terrible, terrible mistake. Ever," Kuroo said jokingly, "But seriously now, if you won't come in the next five minutes, they'll kick us both."

   "I'm not late. I still have some time."

   "Yeah, but I know you. You will stop because you will 'see the most wicked butterfly ever' for sure."

   "I won't! I'm already on my way. I just... I..." Bokuto stuttered.

   "I know. Hurry up, 'kay?" Kuroo said and hung up.

   Yeah, yeah...But that boy... He was so pretty. I definitely need to see him again. And I have to talk to him! I have to find him and I'll start a conversation with him!


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