Will you hold this for me?

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   "Akaashi?!" Bokuto yelled to the phone.

   "Hello, Bokuto-san. What is up?" Akaashi rubbed his eyes with his fist.

   "The ceiling...? Why? Wait, never mind. AkaAaaasShi!! Something terrible happened!!"

   "Bokuto-san. It is one AM. Do you realize that?"

   "Yes. Yes I do. But ask yourself, can it be unimportant, when I'm calling you at this time? When I'm calling you at one AM?"

   "I'm positive this is highly unimportant. So what's going on?"

   "...Come on! That was mean! Anyways. Focus okay? So, I am sitting here, on my couch. Watching a film. Drinking a coke - I know, I shouldn't be drinking a coke now, but it's tasty! - and I'm eating... Huh? Yeah! That's right. Silence! Ya know why?! Because I'm missing the chips. You probably think 'Don't be stupid, Bokuto-san. Just go and look for them' but!! I stood up and I looked for them. Guess what? I didn't found them! I'M OUT OF CHIPS!!" Bokuto yelled again.

   Akaashi hang up. But in the very next minute, his phone started to ring again.


   "I know, Bokuto-san. You are out of chips. At. One. Freaking. AM."

   "Akaashi, I want the chips."

   "And I want to sleep, Bokuto-san."

   "I need them, Akaashi!" Bokuto said resolutely.

   "Bokuto-san..." Akaashi sighed.

   "Open the door."

   "What?" Akaashi stood up and slowly came to the door.

   "Open the-- Hey there!"

   Akaashi couldn't believe his own eyes. That crazy owl was standing in front of his door, smiling widely with a wallet in his hand.

   "Bokuto-san, what are you doing here?" he asked.

   "I need to do some grocery shopping and you're going with me!"

   "No I'm not."

   "Akaa-" Bokuto's smile disappeared.

   "Please stop saying my name. You're making me feel uncomfortable," Akaashi said rubbing his eyes.

   "Please," Bokuto joined his hand as if praying.

   "No I-"

   "It's gonna be fun!" Bokuto grabbed his hand and smiled at him. Akaashi saw sparks in Bokuto's eyes. He looked like a little puppy. And you just can't say 'no' to a puppy.


   "YAY!!" Bokuto jumped.

   "Calm down. My dad is sleeping. Let me just wear something warmer."

   Akaashi stepped out to his room and Bokuto followed him. He sat at his friend's bed and he looked at Akaashi's bare back.

   Bokuto gulped. He loved Akaashi's body so much. He was so handsome. He couldn't help himself - he stood up and kissed Akaashi between his shoulder blades. And then he kissed him a bit lower and...

   "Ouch," Bokuto placed his hands on the top of his head, where Akaashi had punched him just a while ago.

   I was imagining it. Again.

  "Hear me?" Akaashi asked.

   "What?" Bokuto looked in the boy's eyes.

   Akaashi sighed: "I was asking if I should wear the warmer jacket or no."

    "No, it's pretty nice outside."

   Akaashi finished dressing up and grabbed his wallet. They left the house and walked down the street. Well, Bokuto was more jumping than walking.

   "A dollar store...?" Akaashi raised his eyebrow when they came to their final destination.

   "Yes. It's half past two in the morning, 'Kaashi. Everything else is closed, think a bit," Bokuto knocked on his forehead and laughed.

   Akaashi just rolled his eyes.

   "I'm going to get a cart for us," he said and left Bokuto alone.

   The owl boy nodded and entered the shop. It was pretty big for an One-dollar-shop, but he liked it in here. Everything was so colorful and even tho it was night, quiet cozy music was playing. Simply put - this store has a pleasant atmosphere.

   "It's nice. I like it in here," a familiar voice said, "now let us get those chips, shall we."

   "Yeah!" Bokuto smiled at Akaashi.

   They had one thing to buy. Only one thing. But as one YouTuber once said - you came to buy just the one thing you want and you end up buying everything.

   So did they. Looking at everything that the store offers Bokuto suddenly remembered that he's missing some other things too. Soon the cart was half full and Akaashi half asleep.

   " 'Kaashi..? Don't you wanna sit in the cart? I can push you in that cart. Hm? Hmm?"

   "No, thank you. I'm fine," he said and yawned.

   "You're tired. Pleeease, Akaashi," Bokuto picked him up and he laid Akaashi into the shopping cart.

   Akaashi smiled at Bokuto and said: "You are still missing the chips, Bokuto-san."

   "Then gotta do this quickly."

   Bokuto bounced and started running. Then he leaned his legs against the iron rod on a shopping card and he slid across the whole shopping alley.

   "Bokuto-san. Wrong alley..."

   "Oh... ROUND TWO THEN!"

   Bokuto slid across the second alley with loud: "HEY HEY HEY!!!"

   He braked right in front of the shelf with chips.

   Akaashi put his hand in front of his mouth and he laughed.

   Wait... Akaashi... laughed?! Oh my god. This is the sound of godest laughter. This is the laughter of an angel. Oh my god.

   "AkaAAAAAshII!!!" Bokuto yelled and hugged laughing Akaashi.

   Akaashi hugged him back, smiling widely.

   Bokuto picked few packs, each package was different, and he moved the shopping card to the cash register. Bokuto paid for everything and he picked up three bags.

   "Want me to hold anything for you?" Akaashi offered.

   "Yeah, would you be that kind and will you... Will you hold this for me?" Bokuto showed his hand.

   Akaashi blushed. He slightly nodded and grabbed Bokuto's hand.

   "Wanna... Do you want to spent the rest of this night with me?" Bokuto asked shyly.

   "Yeah. I would like that," Akaashi nodded again.

   Bokuto proudly smiled: "YAZ!!"

   Soon they entered Bokuto's house and Bokuto send the tired boy to the living room. For that time, Bokuto pulled out things he had bought. When he entered the living room, he quietly laughed.

   Akaashi fell asleep on the couch, hugging a big plushy owl.

   Bokuto picked him up and he took him to the bedroom. He placed him on the right side of his bed and stripped off the boy's jeans and jacket. Then he stripped of his jeans and he put on his pajamas. He laid next to the sleeping boy and he covered them with a blanket.

   "Ya know, 'Kaashi, love you..." Bokuto whispered and he hugged Akaashi, kissing the sleeping boy on a top of his head.


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