The boy

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!!! Contains smut !!!

   When Bokuto told him they will do it next time, Akaashi felt good. Because he knew that Bokuto wants it as much as he does. On the other side, when is that next time supposed to be?!

   Akaashi was nervous. Two months has passed and Bokuto still haven't done anything. And we're not talking only about that. Bokuto didn't held Akaashi's hand, he didn't hugged him, he didn't kissed him... Nothing.

   But he liked it, didn't he?

   Akaashi didn't understand. Bokuto confesses to him. He said he loves him and he said they'll do it next time. He did.

   So where's the problem?

   Akaashi waited for the school to end and then he came to Bokuto.

   "Hello, Bokuto-san. I just... just wanted to ask, if it's everything okay."

   "Yeah, why?"

   "I... It's two months after that party and... I can't stop thinking about... About our agreement. You know... If you think better of it, we don't have to do it. I just... The not-knowing what's going on is really hard for me. I would like to know..." Akaashi was talking and talking but he said nothing.

    "If you... said that only because you were drunk... It's fine. Just tell me," he said finally.

   "No! It's not like that! ... I just wanted to... Set up the right mood, take our time, do it because we want. I don't want to 'agree' where and when we'll do it. That's not right. Also, I want ours first time to be... as perfect as possible. It's not like I don't like you. Because I love you, Keiji. I just want to make this right."

   Tears formed in Akaashi's eyes: "Oh Bokuto-san... You don't have to do this. You really don't. Look, I love you and you love me. And I feel... I feel something. You know... My dad once told me, that when the time for my first time will come, I will feel it. And Bokuto-san, I feel that I want my first time with you. Doesn't matter when and where. Because I know you won't hurt me."

   "AkaaAAaaaAashi," Bokuto yelled and hugged the shorter boy while having tears in his eyes.

   "Then... There's nothing more what to wait for, right?" Bokuto looked at Akaashi and he kissed him.

   "No, there is absolutely nothing..." Akaashi kissed the owl boy back, "and my dad's not home today..."

   Bokuto pulled away, he smiled and grabbed Akaashi's hand. He intertwined their fingers together and they headed to Akaashi's house.

   On their way home, they both were unusually quiet. Akaashi was blushing and trembling and Bokuto was nervous.

   They entered the house and Akaashi grabbed some food and juice. Then they walked upstairs to Akaashi's room.

   "Wow, this is super big!" Bokuto said.

   "It's just as big as yours. But I don't have that much things and my room is... tidier," Akaashi smirked.

   "Oh come on! It's not that messy... Well, maybe a bit..." Bokuto said and the boys laughed.

   "One way or another, I liked your room. It's really warm and... comfortable," Akaashi looked at Bokuto.

   "Bokuto-san... I have a question."


   "When did you realized...," Akaashi was carefully choosing the right words, "that you like boys?"

The boy [BokuAka]Where stories live. Discover now