You said something?

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   "Soo, tomorrow is my special day, and I have a wish. What do you say, about having a sleepover? At my place," Bokuto was standing in front of Akaashi's doors, smiling widely, talking too loud, as usual.

   "Happy birthday. But I don't -"

   "Come on! You can come after the school will end. We can watch a movie or two, and then we'll go to sleep. I'll give you the warmest futon I have! I promise! Please... Kuroo is out of the town and he banned me from organizing a party. He said he have something cool for me, so I can't do anything party-alike. So you're my only chance to have a nice day. You know, my parents are gone again for another weekend and I don't want to spend my special day alone."


   "Please! I won't be annoying! And you... you can leave anytime, if you won't like it."

   "I-" Akaashi tried again.

   "Please!!" Bokuto fell on his knees.

   "Bokuto-san! I'm trying to say 'yes' so if you would be that kind and--" Akaashi finally finished his sentence. More less.

   "Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!!" Bokuto jumped and hugged Akaashi with the widest smile that Akaaashi has ever seen on Bokuto's face.

   "So, see you tomorrow after school. If you excuse me now, I still have a job to do..."

   "Yeah, sure. See ya!" Bokuto waved and went home.

   Akaashi closed the door and he leaned his back against them.

   Oh my... This can't be.

   Akaashi said yes. So he has to come now. But he was pretty unsure about it. He was already nervous. Akaashi can't simply be near that boy without daydreaming. About him. He can't even stop daydreaming in school! How can he spend a whole day next to him?!

   "This is going to be hard..." Akaashi whispered to himself.

   Impossible... he corrected himself in his mind and sighed.

   The week has passed since the day when he realized that he fell in love with this crazy owl boy.

   He wasn't shocked. Not about that boy part. But about how quickly he fell in love. Only three weeks have passed since he had spoken to Bokuto for the first time. And now Akaashi's lips became itchy every time he saw Bokuto. His heart was beating fast every time they were walking home together. He had butterflies in his stomach always when they were talking together. His hands was shaking every time that the owl boy smiled at him.

   He fell for this boy really hard and he don't know what to do about it, since he was pretty sure that Bokuto is not like him. In other words, Akaashi's sure that Bokuto likes girls, not boys. And not this specific boy - his black-haired classmate, a friend and a neighbor.

   He knew he wouldn't stand a chance if he would confess. He wasn't scared about Bokuto turning him down - even tho that was probably his main worry - he was scared that Bokuto would abandon him because of his sexuality.

   And Akaashi didn't want that. Not even the slightest. He wanted to spend all of his days next to the other boy.

   But at the same time, Akaashi couldn't stand hiding his feelings any longer, no more. Not after that night when he was sleeping in Bokuto's room. Not after he woke up in Bokuto's arms.

   His hug was so warm... and his hands... They are strong and muscular, yet they are so gentle.

   "What am I going to do about this?" Akaashi sighed and scratched his head.

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