Chapter 13

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"Yoonie bear? Wake up." A voice gently cooed at the little. Yoongi, however, simply scrunched up his face and turned around to bury his face in the fluffy pillow. "Nooooo." He whined sleepily. "Not yet Appa. Too early." Jimin and Jungkook tried to stiffle their laughter, failing horribly. "Sweetie, it's lunch time already." Yoongi pouted. "Yoonie wake up at dinner."

"Ok. If you wake up Daddy will give Yoonie bear a lollipop." Jungkook tried to bribe the little. This indeed was a whole new low for him. After a few more minutes of bribing the little, the two boys finally got the little to wake up.

"Oh, and Yoongs?" Yoongi looked up from his plate with a mouthful of toast. "We get to go to our private lake today!" Jungkook cheered. Yoongi almost rolled his eyes at the overly excited expressions the two younger boys were sporting. All Yoongi wanted to do was to stay home and sleep. But nooo. They had to go to some lake. It didn't help the Yoongi's butt was still slightly sore.

"And we'll be staying there in the cabins for a week." Yoongi perked up just a bit. He did love sleeping 'outdoors' and stuff. Jungkook grinned slyly, knowing that the little would never give up a camping trip. "But if you don't want to go I guess we could-"

"No Daddy! Yoonie wanna go! Please Daddy! Please!" Yoongi was prepared to go down on his hands and knees if he had to, which his daddies would never allow unless it's to su-....nevermind.

"Alright, alright." Jimin chuckled, hoisting the paper weight of a hyung on his hip while Jungkook cleared away the plate and sippy cup, "We'll go."

Yoongi giggled excitedly, energy filling his bones making his heart beat fast from mere excitement. He can't remember the last time he's been on a camping trip.

"Let's go pack baby boy." Jimin held the little securely on his hip and walked into their walk in closet. He set the little on a cushion on the floor and pulled down four medium sized suitcases as well as a good sized duffel bag from a high shelf. Two suitcases were for Jimin and Jungkook and the other two were for Yoongi, one for his big boy things and the other for his little things. The duffel bag was for his toys and stuffies.

"Can Yoonie bring this one?" The little asked for the millionth time in a row. He was holding up a poofy purple tutu. "Um, baby, you've already packed four of that same exact tutu already." The little looked down and pouted disappointedly. "I'll tell you what, I'll take out these other four and you can put in that one." Jungkook grinned. The little grinned happily, not knowing that he just got played.

"Alright. Now for the hardest part." Jimin pointed dramatically to the corner of the bedroom completely dominated by different toys.

"Appa? Can't we bring them all?" Yoongi pouted. He was having a hard time deciding who would come on the trip. He didn't want any of his toys to feel bad or left out. "Bibi bear says he has to bring Feli Fairy, but Feli don't wanna leave Bobby Bunnie, but Bobby wants to stay home so Feli wants to stay too so Bibi is sad and crying and that make Anna Ant mad cause Bibi is her best friend so now Anna wanna fight Feli." Yoongi 'explained'.

Jimin and Jungkook just sat there trying to figure out what the fuck was happening while trying to look like they understood everything that just came out of their little's perfectly pouted lips.

"So how just bringing Anna, no I mean Feli's twin" Jimin stared blankly at the duplicte version of the fairy doll.

"Meli?" Yoongi helped along. "Oh Appa so smart!"Yoongi squealed and gave the boy a big hug. Jungkook chuckled and kissed both his boys on their cheeks. "I'll carry the bags to the van," Jimin placed the little in Jungkook's arms, "-and you can dress our tiny ball of cuteness."

It took about three minutes to dress the little in a monkey shirt and brown pants an clip on ears an a tail before they were all ready to go downstairs. "Hobi! Tae Tae!" The little squealed and bounded down the stairs, earning "be careful's" from his Daddy. "We go camping!"

Hoseok giggled excitedly while Taehyung latched onto his hand, both of them towering over Yoongi.

Hoseok and Taehyung, or actually all the members of BTS were taller than tiny little Yoongi. The tallest he reached was between Jimin's shoulder and chest. Barely.

"Oh, hi Joonie an' Jinnie." Jin and Namjoon greeted the littles warmly, yet quickly as the hustled about trying to get things in place for the trip. The littles just wandered about like lost little lambs.

To entertain themselves, the littles sat near the front door and sang and played hand games, also reciting nursery rhymes.

"You've been such good boys. Here." Jin cooed at the littles as he offered them each a lollipop. "Tank you!" They grinned and spoke at the same time. "Daddy, help please." Yoongi whined as he struggled with the lollipop wrapper. Jungkook quickly undid the wrapper. Yoongi muttered a 'tank you' and started sucking on the lollipop.

A few minutes later and everything was all set to go. They even made sure to pack some baby space items just in case. "Come on kids, it's time to go!" Namjoon hyped up Hoseok and Taehyung as he hoisted them onto his hip. "Baby, were going camping!" Jimin squealed. The little giggled and wrapped his legs around Jimin's waist.

Jin was stationed as the driver while Jimin was in the passenger seat as the navigator. The last time Namjoon navigated for the group the ended up in the middle of nowhere. Literally. They were in a field, not even on the road, and the had to call the police to have them track their phone so that they could be rescued. That had freaked out the littles greatly and they would rather not have a three bawling littles screaming down their ears while they tried to figure out which planet they were on.

Therefore, Namjoon and Jungkook were stationed to take care of the three littles.

It was at least a three hour drive to the lake. No problem.


Sorry about the short chapter

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Sorry about the short chapter. Writer's block is a bitch. Also I was EXTREMELY sleepy while writing this chapter so sorry for all the spelling errors.

(And lack of effort)

What? Who said that?

Word count:1063

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