Chapter 23

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The littles were munching happily on their treats while their caregivers looked over them with incredulous stares. Yoongi, apparently, was too hungry to wait until they got home to eat so he settled for throwing a tantrum. The two sleeping littles woke up and at the sight of food, started throwing tantrums to.

So three babies were crying, kicking and screaming in the backseat of the van while the caregivers tried to shush them and Jin tried not to swerve off the highway or get flagged down by a police.

They ended up pulling over to a park and the littles sat and ate at one of the benches, the only evidence of any tantrums being the tear stains on their rosy cheeks and matching red-rimmed eyes.

"They really are something else." Jimin murmured, staring at Yoongi with a look that could only be described as awe. "Yup. They're our something else." Junkook kissed the crown of Yoongi's head, causing the little to look up and release the sweetest sound his caregivers could ever hear.

His giggle.

"You're so cute I'm going to faint." Jungkook cooed, pulling softly at the little's cheeks. Yoongi gurgled and made grabby hands at his Daddy, who happily picked him up. Yoongi burrowed his head into his Daddy's neck and closed his eyes until he felt a soft finger bopping his nose.

It was his pretty Appa.

Before Jimin could withdraw his finger, Yoongi grabbed it and started to suckle on it, as if it was his pacifier, and closed his eyes again.

The peaceful atmosphere was shattered when Hoseok excitedly yelled "playground" at the top of his lungs. From then on it was like a chain of bombs exploding, except instead of destructive explosions, the littles were suddenly filled with energy and practically vibrating in their caregivers' arms.

"Can we go?"
"Can we Papa?!"
"Wanna play Eomma!"

The littles were basically high on sugar as their prompting slowly turned into loud, unintelligible chatter. "Ok! Ok! We'll go! Just go!" Jin was the first to break as he ushered his babies towards the playground, almost completely hidden behind some trees.

Yoongi, still quite deep into his headspace, squirmed and whined in his Daddy's arms, quickly wanting to catch up with his oppas. Jungkook chuckled and ran over to where Jin stood watching over his littles. He placed Yoongi on the ground gently and watched as he crawled over to Hoseok and Taehyung on wobbly limbs.

Jimin and Namjoon stayed back let their boyfriends handle their precious little ones while they slept their trauma away.

"Hyung, can you watch Yoongi for me? I'm so tired." Jungkook whined, clinging to Jin. The older only scoffed and flicked the bunny's head before ranting.

"What do you mean you're tired? Don't you think we're all tired? Hyung needs a rest too! You really are a brat aren't you? Why don't you watch Tae and Hobi and do your Hyung a favour huh? Hyung wants to sleep too. And acting all cute and clinging to me won't do anything. I don't fall for things like that, well, at least from you! I got used to that trick a long time ago. Do you think I was born yesterday?! The disresp-"

"Wait Hyung. Th-"

"Huh?! You wanna die punk? Telling your Hyung to wait-"

"Look Hyung!" Jungkook pointed over to where Jimin and Namjoon sat, covered in their food with cheeky littles laughing and rolling around on the grass, red-faced and messy.

It hasn't even been five full minutes since they entered the playground and the littles were already causing strife.

"Serves them right. Thinking they could get some sleep while I slave away." Jin grumbled as him and Jungkook ventured back to the picnic table.

"Ah. We were naive thinking we could easily catch a break. Weren't we Jimin?" Namjoon chuckled, wiping some of tart from his face. "How did this even happen?" Jimin pouted, trying to wipe some of the chocolate from his eclair off his face but only helped to spread it.

"Luckily I ate mine." Jin grinned triumphantly. "It might've ended up on your faces." Jungkook spoke up suddenly. "Speaking of which, where's my fraisier? Tae? Hobi? Did you use my fraisier to paint their faces?"

Both littles furrowed their eyes in confusion before shaking their heads on and going back to playing. "And where on Earth is Yoongi?!" Jungkook added. Jimin widened his eyes and looked around frantically for his baby.

Jin asked his littles but they had no idea where Yoongi was either. "I swear I'm the worst caregiver on this planet." Jimin muttered.

The group conducted a search, splitting up to cover more distance. They met back up at their bench after twenty minutes. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung were all very worried but Jimin and Jungkook were out of it. Jimin kept running his fingers through his hair stressfully and his eyes darted all about in hope of catching even a glance of his baby. Jungkook looked close to a meltdown by the way he kept shuffling from foot to foot, his hands clasped and unclasped. He lost his little in a park. A woodland park.

Jungkook sat down on the bench to catch his breath for a second when he swore he heard a tiny, familiar sound. He flipped around at the speed of light and gasped at the sight.

There Yoongi sat in all his glory, messily eating a strawberry fraisier with a little spoon.

"Oh, my-Yoongi!" Jungkook breathed out, immediately pulling his little from under the park bench. "You need to stop doing this." Jungkook whispered, holding his baby flush against his body, kissing his head and rubbing his back soothingly, though it was done more to soothe himself.

Yoongi only gurgled and ate the last of the treat from his spoon.


Jungkook shot up at the sound at a voice filled with relief and saw Jimin sprinting towards them at full speed.

"Oh my gosh. My poor baby." Jimin cooed, basically snatching his baby from Jungkook's arms. "Is he hurt? Where was he? Is that–a strawberry?" Jimin drilled Jungkook. "He was under the picnic table eating my fraisier. He looks ok."

"Oh thank goodness you found him." Jin and his boyfriend and littles jogged up towards the little. Jimin only looked away from his Yoongi when he heard some sniffles.

"We were really scared-"
"Cause the grownups couldn't find him-"
"And we thought-"
"Yoonie was gonna get eaten by a bear-"
"And never play with oppas again."

Hobi and Tae cried side by side. Jin and Namjoon both flocked over to try to comfort them. "It's ok. See? Yoongi is safe and sound." Namjoon cooed to them. Hobi and Tae sniffled and buried their heads in their caregivers' shoulders. The stress from the day along with them coming down from their sugar high sent them straight to sleep.

Yoongi, still in baby space, had no idea what was happening and only knew that his eyes wanted to close really badly, so he did just that and followed his oppas off to dreamland.

The picnic bench was cleared and Namjoon and Jimin briefly cleaned up before the group headed straight home. Jimin and Jungkook carried their little straight to their room upon arriving home. They took off his clothes and dressed him in a diaper and one of Jungkook's hoodies and a pair of socks.

Jimin walked straight past the little's crib and placed him on the bed he and Jungkook shared.

The two caregivers cuddled up to their baby and promptly fell asleep.

The two caregivers cuddled up to their baby and promptly fell asleep

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Sorry it took so long.

Word count:1270

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