Chapter 24

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"Appa~" a certain little whined. A little head of mint green hair was all that could be seen as Yoongi's face was hidden in Jimin's firm chest. "What's wrong gummy bear? Tell Appa." Jimin cooed softly as to not wake their sleeping boyfriend who had his hand slung over his hip and was pressed firmly against his back. Junkook's head rested lightly on Jimin's shoulder.

The little only whined and nuzzled against his Appa. Jimin chuckled lightly and stroked the little's hair and softly pulled on his ear. "Did my baby wake up feeling a little more clingy?" A deep, groggy, Busan dialect voice asked from somewhere near Jimin's head.

Yoongi gasped and revealed his freckle clad red-cheeked face. "Daddy!" He giggled. A small, pale hand raised and little fingers hooked around Jungkook's nose. "Mm. My sweet little cutie pie." Jungkook hummed. He took Yoongi's hand in his own and gave it a kiss before sitting upright and stretching. He kissed Jimin's cheek, ear and temple before standing up, inviting his baby into his hold.

The little clambered clumsily into his Daddy's arms. "Daddy. Hungwy." Yoongi whined, his little pout deepening. "Well I can't let my little one starve now can I?!" Jungkook exclaimed, bopping the baby's nose.

Jungkook strode over to the side of the bed, the little still in his arms, and rubbed Jimin's thigh soothingly. "You coming, Chim?" He raised a brow. "Wan' Appa!" Yoongi shouted, clapping and swinging his feet softly. "Well. The little prince has spoken. We must obey his Majesty's orders." Jimin mused. Jungkook chuckled and shook his head, pulling Jimin along with him to the bathroom.

Turns out the little family had slept the rest of the day away and only awoke at 4:00 a.m., which was apparently a perfect time to start the day, according to Yoongi.

"Bath or shower?" Jungkook inquired. Jimin was busy brushing the baby's teeth, making sure he didn't swallow any of the toothpaste. They had run out of the kid's version yesterday. "Um, bath. He's a bit small this morning. One at most." He answered distractedly.

Jungkook multitasked as he brushed his teeth and filled the bathtub with moderately warm water. As of recently, Yoongi seemed to have can't stand hot water. He knows that they'll have to ease the baby into getting used to the warmer temperature as winter approaches. Knowing how quickly Yoongi can get sick if the proper precautions aren't taken, Jungkook was planning to start using hotter water now that it was autumn.

With little fuss from Yoongi, the little family was seated in the bath.

Maybe it was the way Jimin gently scrubbed the shampoo into his locks. Or maybe it was the way Jungkook firmly massaged the lavender oil into his skin. Either way, Yoongi was falling sleep and if it weren't for Jungkook's watchful eyes he would've blacked out.

Yoongi got his short naps as he rested on his Daddy's and Appa's chest as their red and pink hair, respectively, was shampooed. Everyone was quick to wash up and head back to get dressed. Jimin and Jungkook wore simple sweat pants and shirts while Yoongi insisted on putting on his Pikachu onesie. (Ya'll know what it is. His paci is up there too.^)

"Time to fill this little tummy, hm?" Jimin whispered against Yoongi's freckles, pulling the onesie up Yoongi's little legs. He got to the baby's shoulders and gasped, sputtered and giggled, eye smile on display. Yoongi sucked on his pacifier, probably wondering if his Appa had gone off.

"Kook! Look here! Hurry! It's about Yoongi." That last sentence sent Jungkook basically flying out of the bathroom and next to Jimin. "W- Is he hurt?" Jungkook gave Yoongi a quick visual once over. "No! But look! " Jungkook gasped and trailed his fingers over the little's shoulders.

Clusters of freckles, all different shapes and sizes. They were faint, but could be seen close up or if you paid close attention. "I swear baby. You get more beautiful every day." Jungkook cooed, zipping the onesie all the way up. Yoongi giggled around his pacifier and made grabby hands, wanting to be held. Jungkook happily complied, giving the baby's chubby cheeks millions of kisses all the way.

The trio found themselves in the kitchen. Yoongi was immediately strapped into his high chair to keep his curious little hands from tearing the entire kitchen down, something the caregivers would rather not relive.

"How about we make strawberry pancakes?" Jungkook suggested, already pulling down the flour and eggs. Jimin, who was preparing Yoongi's bottle along with Tae's and Hobi's since he was sure the two would come down as soon as they smelt food, agreed immediately. He hadn't eaten strawberry pancakes in a good while.

Jungkook sliced up four regular-sized strawberries and gave them to Yoongi for him to munch on while his milk and pancakes were done.

The first pancakes had barely been taken off the stove before the three heard an excited screech. A dark-haired Hoseok came bouncing down the stairs followed by a bright Namjoon and a sleepy Tae Tae in the arms of his Eomma.

"Morning Yoongi!" Hobi yelled. "Hobi, you know there's to be no shouting in the house." Namjoon scolded lightly. Hoseok muttered a quick sorry and turned to Yoongi. The smaller baby held out a piece of strawberry for his Oppa. Hobi squealed a thanks and ate the strawberry from Yoongi's fingers.

Yoongi tried to pile five strawberry pieces in his hands but being in such a small headspace, he couldn't quite figure out how and he was getting frustrated. Jin was just about to tell him it was ok before the little huffed and simply held out the bowl.

Everyone cheered for Yoongi's accomplishment and took a strawberry slice. Even Taehyung looked awake now. Jimin kissed his little's head and gave him his bottle of milk. "Here. I made bottles for Tae and Hobi." Jimin handed the sippy cups to Jin and Namjoon. "Thanks uncle Jiminnie!" Tae and Hobi said at the same time. "You're an angel." Namjoon smiled, helping his excitable Hobi onto his lap.

"And the pancakes are done." Jungkook proclaimed. He placed the large plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. The caregivers cut the pancakes into smaller pieces for the littles then everyone began to eat.

Yoongi liked his pancakes almost submerged in syrup and wouldn't eat them any other way, which was a one-way road to a sugar high, which meant no rest for his caregivers, or anyone for that matter until he crashed. Jungkook almost started to regret having the idea of pancakes but then he saw his baby swinging his feet lightly, cheeks stuffed with his now slightly soggy pancakes, eyes sparkling and pearly and it was all over.

He would give up his very life to keep Yoongi happy.

Here's a little treat

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Here's a little treat.

Word count: 1155

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