Merlin - Merlin

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I am so so sorry @Shannon1300 for the long wait. This is dedicated to you. Hopefully the wait was worth it. Let me know what you think.

You told yourself over an over and over again that it would all get better, this was only temporary, but there was always the nagging voice in your head that would tell you that it would never get better. You would keep living through this torture.

"Y/n! King Arthur's asking for you and he sounds mad." One of your fellow slaves warned you.

You sighed and prepared yourself for the abuse you were about to get inflicted on you. You had been a slave to the one and only king Arthur for a week now. Life was never supposed to be this way. You were just a simple town girl that lived in a regular house that had parents who supposedly had normal jobs. Unfortunately they were accused as traitors to the king and as punishment they were hanged and I was to be a slave to the king.

You stopped in front of king Arthur's door debating on whether you should just attempt to escape but fear of death was what caused you to open the door and face the devil.

"Y/n what took you so long! I was waiting for you for hours." He shouted causing you to flinch.

"Well m'lord it's only been a couple of" I was interrupted with a swift slap across my face. I stumbled onto the floor holding onto my throbbing cheek.

The King had never physically hurt me before, it had usually been emotional abuse but this, this went too far.

"Arthur what was that for!" Said a man who I hadn't noticed until now.

"Merlin zip it!" Arthur snapped turning his attention back on me. "Now I need you to clean up my entire room. If I see a speck of dust when I get back you don't get dinner."

"Yes your highness." I trembled trying hard not to cry.

"And for that smart comment of yours I also want you to clean up the stables. Come on Merlin, let's let this piece of filth do her job." He snarled walking out with Merlin following behind him.

Only a couple minutes after Arthur left Merlin came back in to the sight of me sobbing on the floor. With no hesitation he picked me up off the floor and hugged my sobbing body close to him.

"I am so sorry. Meet me tonight if you can outside in the courtyard." Merlin said pulling away from our embrace. "For now I have to go off with Arthur. Hopefully I'll see you soon." And with that I was once again alone in the room.

After finishing all my chores for the day I did as Merlin has told me to and met outside in the courtyard. I was only waiting for a few minutes when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I saw a dark figure and was frightened at first that it was King Arthur. I took a few steps back but stopped when I heard Merlin's voice telling me that it's alright, that it's just him. He came up to me and pulled me into a hug.

I was shocked at first because it's been a very long time since anyone has shown me kindness like this. Not since I was taken from my home.

"You looked like you need that." He said pulling from the hug. Suddenly I saw his eyes turn dark and his hand reached up and touched my bruising cheek. I flinched a little but leaned into his touch once I realized he wasn't going to hurt me.

"How long has he been doing this to you?"

I looked down and then muttered a couple months.

"I am so sorry I wish I could've known sooner and helped you out. I think I know how to help you but you have to trust me." He said wiping a stray tear that I hadn't realized feel from my face.

"I'm here aren't I." I said barely above a whisper.

Merlin smiled a little bit.

"Just continue doing your job and I promise you things will get better." He said lifting up my chin so I could look into his eyes.


"I have to go now before Arthur gets suspicious." Merlin said pulling his hand away. "Follow the plan." And with that, we both went our separate ways.

Over the past few days I continued doing my chores and receiving emotional abuse from Arthur. He thankfully hadn't hit me again. Merlin and I hadn't gotten to talk one on one but we did steal glances from across the room whenever we were together.

It was late at night when I got called to King Arthur's room. I was given no details as to why. I walked in and could easily tell that Arthur was drunk.

He walked across the room and stood very close to me.

"You're a very pretty slave aren't you?" He said placing a hand to caress my cheek.

"Your highness. You're drunk. Let me go get you some water." I said shakily afraid of what was to come.

He just smirked and said, "No I think I'll have you."

I panicked and ran to the door but he was too fast and shut it before I could get to it. I screamed when he reached for me picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. He slapped me making me start sobbing.

"Please don't do this." I sobbed.

"Shut up!" he shouted.

He went to kiss my neck when all of a sudden the door flew open and Arthur was thrown off of me. I saw Merlin and his eyes glowed orange before muttering a few words in a different language. Arthur passed out cold.

"He shouldn't bother you ever again." Merlin said rushing to my side.

"You used magic." I said still in shock at what just happened.

"Yes I did for your protection." He said pulling me into his chest.

"Thank you." I said. Without thinking I kissed him.

He was surprised at first but kissed me back.

"What did you do to him?" I asked.

"I just changed him back to the way he was before. When I first met him he wasn't like this. Then we went to protect the kingdom and something in him changed. It took me a while but I figured out a spell to reverse what had changed in him." He explained.

After that night, Merlin and I became very close. I even think I loved him. Arthur apologized to all the people he took in as slaves and let us go. As I had no where to go Merlin offered to let me live with him. All was good until the day Merlin got back from hunting with Arthur.

He walked home and instantly I knew something was wrong, he was limping.

"Merlin, what's wrong with your leg?" I said rushing to his aid.

Merlin shooed me off but I didn't listen. "I'm fine" He stubbornly said.

"Sit down and let me take a look at it." I said leading him to a chair.

He reluctantly let me sit him down. I rolled up the pant leg up to look at his injured leg. There was a long slash across his calf. I got up and got a towel and some alcohol to disinfect the wound.

"Oh Merlin." I said. "How did you do this?"

"I tripped." He said sheepishly.

I chuckled. "This might hurt a little" I said putting alcohol on the towel.

I placed the towel on the wound and he hissed a bit. Once I was done cleaning the wound I got a bandage and patched it up.

"There" I said once I was done. "Good as new."

"There just one more thing that'll make me feel better." He said

"And what would that be?" I smiled putting my hands on my hips.

"A kiss." He said smiling up at me.

"Okay." I said pretending to be reluctant.

I kissed him on the cheek to tease him and then kissed him on the lips.

"I love you y/n" He said placing his forehead against mine.

"I love you too Merlin."

At this moment I was happy and I hoped this happiness would remain for the rest of my life.

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