Merlin - Merlin part 2

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I am so sorry Shannon1300 for again taking so long to write this. I really hope you liked this and remember you can request as many more imagines as you want. 

Merlin's POV

I jumped out of the way after being almost being spit on by 9 foot tall acid spitting spider. Who knew those existed. Arthur was right next to me, a sword in his hand jabbing at the spider and missing. How did we even get into this situation?

We had just been walking through the forest after Arthur had decided that he wanted to go hunting. Neither of us were prepared to be ambushed by this creature. Arthur didn't have his normal armor on so he was exposed and I was not very handy with the crossbow that Arthur had given me. I kept missing every shot. 

"Merlin I swear if you miss this next shot I am having you put in the stocks to have rotten food thrown at you!" Arthur shouted in frustration.

Unsurprisingly my next shot missed earning a groan from Arthur. Currently the only thing keeping the spider at bay was the fact that Arthur kept jabbing at the spider keeping him back.

He turned towards me and shouted for me to toss him the crossbow and in that brief moment of distraction the spider pounced on him knocking his sword out of his grasp. Before the spider could spit acid on him and effectively melt his face off I muttered the magic words to throw the spider off him. I held up my hand keeping the spider pushed up against the tree that I had thrown him against. Then, I muttered some more words that caused the spider to explode sending a flurry of gunk and spider body parts on both me and Arthur.

I turned to look at Arthur to see if he was alright. I was met with a gaze of betrayal and immediately knew that even though I saved his life, I did it through means of magic and that I would be sent to the dungeon for this. 

At this point I didn't care I had saved his life and it was my fault in the first place that we even got into the situation where I had to use my magic.


I was just doing my daily chores which consisted of currently pulling weeds from the garden when I saw Gwen frantically rushing towards me.

"Woah there!" I shouted as she nearly tripped trying to get to me. "What's got you all frantic?" I asked grabbed her shoulders to steady her. 

"It's Merlin." Her words sent shiver through my spine as I watched her struggle to spit out the news she had to tell me.

"What about Merlin? What happened Gwen?" I asked my grip tightening on her shoulders. 

She didn't seem to notice and continued her statement.

"He's been sent to the dungeon" I didn't even wait for her to finish her story, I ran out of the garden and into the dungeon to find Merlin.

My mind only had one thought going through it. To save Merlin in whatever means possible. I ran down the dungeon stairs and was about to be stopped by the guards but with one glare from me they let me by. I desperately searched the cells looking for the man that I had grown to love. 

"Merlin?" I called worry coloring my voice.

"Y/n I'm here." I heard the broken voice of Merlin that I almost didn't recognize.

"Oh Merlin what happened!" I ran to his cell and place my hands are the bars. I collapsed on the ground and looked through them trying to catch a glimpse of him. 

At the sight of me he ran to the side of the cell that I was on and reached out a hand to caress my face. "I had to Y/n it was the only way to save Arthur." he explain wiping a tear that had escaped down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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