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Ashton's PoV

Those 3 words were enough to send my mind into a downward spiral of possible scenarios. How badly did I hurt her? Is she okay? So many questions kept rushing through my brain. I can hear my heartbeat as my breathing starts to get faster and I start worrying more and more. I take a deep breath before I decide to look past Calum at Perri. Crystal and Luke and sitting around her while she has a towel held to her nose. She starts to pull it away and I can see the blood rushing from her nose into the towel. Crystal grabs her hand and presses the towel to her nose and she whimpers at the contact. Oh my god, I broke her nose. I feel so bad that I did something like that to her. I never wanted to hurt her. Why can't I just learn to control myself, Jesus Christ. I rub my face with my hands and try to make my way over to her.

"Perri... babe I didn't mean to-"

"Stop! Stop. I'm not your babe Ashton. My boyfriend is your best friend for god's sake!" I sigh and open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off yet again. " No, you're going to let me finish and listen to what I have to say. Who in their right mind hits on their best mate's girlfriend, repeatedly? Then once he has the chance forces her to kiss him! I tried to push you away but no, you tightened your grip on my wrists! I was so uncomfortable yet you still continued. By the way, the 'I didn't mean too, I'm so sorry' doesn't work on me. This never should've happened in the first place and you know it. Just don't touch me. I don't want you near me." By the time she finishes, she's red in the face and has a few tears running down her cheeks.

I sigh, knowing deep down that she's right and I should've never forced her to kiss me. I'm such an idiot. I ruin everything. I just don't know why I do this, I know I shouldn't but I still do it regardless. I rub my face for what feels like the hundredth time that day and pick at my nails. I look back up at Perri and I watch as Luke puts a few tissues up to her nose and place a bandage around it to keep it from moving and to keep the tissue in place. I turn my attention to where Andy was and see that he's already up and being tended to by Crystal. He's got a split lip and a bloody nose. I watch him bite his cheek as she starts to clean the cut on his lip. Perri soon gets up and moves to sit next to him. She intertwines her small hand in his large ones and leans on his shoulder. She looks up at him and says something and the both laugh a little before letting Crystal finish cleaning him up.

Perri's PoV

After Luke bandages my nose I go over and sit next to Andy. I sigh and intertwine my hand in his and lean on his shoulder.

"You know I love you right?" He traces small patterns into the back of my hand.

"Yeah." I mumble and look up at him. "I knew you said you wanted to experience things as a couple but I didn't think you meant nosebleeds." We both laugh a little, me wincing slightly afterward because of the pain in my nose.

I let Crystal finish cleaning him up. Once she's done she gives me a sympathetic look and throws the bandage wrappers away.

"Can we just go back to the hotel and cuddle please?" I ask, reaching for Andy trying to signal I want him to carry me.

"Sure babe." He chuckles and picks me up.

I wrap my arms and legs around him while burying my face into his neck. I take a deep breath and the familiar scent of vanilla and mint fills my nose. I can't help the small smile that makes its way onto my face. Every time I'm with him I feel at home. Home is where the heart is and Andy definitely has my heart.

Once we reach the hotel, Andy sets me down on the bed freeing me to change into something more comfortable. I quickly strip and change into a pair of pajama shorts and one of Andy's shirts. I move back towards the bed to see he's already laying down waiting for me. I lay between his arms and snuggle into his chest. Goosebumps rise as he rubs my arm and brings my hand to his lips. He presses a kiss to each knuckle then does the same to the other. I smile at him and he smiles back while placing his hand on my cheek. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. I hesitate for a moment after everything that had just occurred but after a few seconds I kiss back and our lips mould together, moving in perfect sync. I feel him press his hand firmly to my back, pulling me closer. I happily oblige and move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We pull away and just smile. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

" I love you so much Andy." I mumble kissing him again.

"I love you so much more babe." He presses a kiss to my forehead.

We just lay there and cuddle. I start to feel my eyelids getting heavier. I feel Andy trace small circles on my back. I scoot closer and drift off to sleep with the scent of vanilla and mint filling my nostrils.

Andy's PoV

I hear soft snores and look down to see Perri fell asleep. I brush her hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. How did I ever get so lucky to have someone like her? She's absolutely perfect.

I'm really glad she didn't feed into Ashton today. I know they had to kiss for the video but afterwards was all Ashton. I can't believe he would do that. I knew he would try to get her for himself but what happened today was completely ridiculous. Perri was obviously uncomfortable and didn't want to do anything with him so he shouldn't have tried to force it. I'm just glad she's okay. I would go completely nuts if someone ever hurt her.

"I love you so freaking much Periwinkle." I mumble kissing her cheek and pulling her closer.

I soon find myself drifting off to sleep. After a while I just give up and let sleep take over my body.



Long time, no update! Well I'm back and here's chapter 6!!

I really hope you guys like it. I've been working on it for a while and I really liked writing it.

Please remember comment and vote!

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