Perrentes; Your Name Was On Me And My Name Was On You

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A/n containing roleplay information at the end lmao I'm lonely also this was inspired by that one Avril Lavigne song?? Idk this s u cks

Waking up with feeling like somebody was taking a Baseball Bat to your head repeatedly, over and over in the same spot was not how Tony wanted to wake up with his day. Groaning, putting a tattooed hand to his head and feeling his greased up from sweat hair, making him cringe in disgust. "What did I even do last night." He grumbled out, opening his eyes to see a blinding bright room, so he quickly closed them again and turned, stuffing his face into his pillow.

The only thing Tony remembered from the night before was his Co-workers begging him to go to the bar with them, which was something tony never did— it was nowhere near his comfort zone. He wasn't one to go out and have drinks and sit and talk around, he was a simple guy who went to work and went home to tend to his turtle and text Jaime about the newest Star Wars movie. Although last night he was finally persuaded to step out of his built up box and go out for the night— which just ended up with him having the worst hangover of his life and not even remembering how much he drank or did that night to achieve it.

It took Tony ten minutes to lay there and try to get his mind off of the imaginary Baseball Bat smashing his skull at the moment to realize that he still had work. Sitting up quickly which relatively made his headache worse, grunting and putting a hand to his head. He threw the covers off of him and stood up, stumbling over to the bathroom and quickly turning off the shower and stripping from his day clothes from yesterday.

"They couldn't even wait till Friday to go out and get fucked up?" He muttered to himself, letting out a huff as he looked at himself in the mirror while the water was heating up. Tony let out another huff and looked at himself, seeing there was glitter stuck in his hair at random places, complete with— what he assumed was eyeliner smeared across his eyelids.

"What the heck." He whines softly to himself and shook his head. "This is why I don't go out, why'd you even agree?" He spoke to himself, silently scolding himself for agreeing with his Co- workers and finally stepping into the shower.

Tony did the best he could to wash out the glitter in his hair and wash off the eyeliner, which he assumed was Pete's great idea. Thanks Pete.

Although to no avail with all of the glitter, Tony agreed that he'd washed out enough and quickly got out and changed into a regular black shirt and black jeans, a simple uniform that he wore for work— which was just the music shop where an unnecessary amount of people worked at. Putting a hat on top of his head and slipping on his shoes, tony rushed downstairs and grabbed a Banana and a water, along with his back pack that he usually took to work.

"Fuck, fuck I'm late, fuck." Tony whispered out as he quickly went to the door, grabbing his skateboard and leaving out of the house and successfully being Thirty minutes late for work, only taking him a few minutes to get there.

"Tone-Bone! You showed up!" Pete Wentz greeted the tattooed boy as he walked through the doors, letting out a hum in response and going to the back to put his skateboard and backpack away. "You know, Last night was pretty crazy." Pete continued, following tony into the back where everybody else was.

"I don't even know what happened. I mean- I have glitter in my hair that I can't get out, I figured it was pretty crazy." Tony said, greeting some of the other workers as he put his stuff away.

"I'm sure none of us even remember what happened." Jack Barakat snorted out with a chuckle— although it was nothing new for him. Tony was sure that he remembered who'd gone out with them, of course it was Pete and Jack, along with Kellin Quinn, Alan Ashby, Austin Carlile, Alex Gaskarth, Oliver Sykes and Mike Fuentes. And tony agreed with Jack, he was sure none of them even knew what went down last night.

"All I remember is Tony and Mike doing a contest of how many shots they can take." Oli spoke up with a smirk, everyone else snickering and laughing about how they remembered as well. Tony just groaned out and rolled his eyes, "Me and Mike? I must of been shitfaced by then to agree to that." It wasn't a secret that Tony and Mike didn't like each other, even though they worked in the same place. Tony just found mike too much of an asshole who tried to be funny all the time- even at the wrong times. They just didn't get along and everyone else knew not to put them up to anything.

"Who's up for round two tonight!" Speaking if asshole Mike Fuentes, tony heard him and looked over, seeing the too tall for his own good man walk in, having an idiotic suggested. Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes once more for this morning, going back to putting his skateboard into his cubbie, everyone else scolding mike for even thinking about going out for a second night.

"Dude is that my name on your arm?" Mike suddenly said, his eyes burning holes into Tonys arm. Everyone else stayed quiet for a moment before laughing hysterically, yelling some 'oh shits!' While tony looked at mike confused.

"What?" He asked, lifting his arm and looking over his tattoos, trying to see what mike Was talking about. "Name? Whe- Holy shit!" Tonys eyes widened, breathing stopping for a moment. Low and behold, Mike Fuentes' fucking name was tattooed on his forearm in a fancy ass cute font. "What the fuck! What's you do to me last night?!" Tony nearly scared out, looking at his taller co worker while everybody else just snickered and laughed.

"Me? I didn't do shit to you? Why would I want my name on you?!" Mike scowled out, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Tony.

"Oh my god dude!" Alex suddenly screamed out, hastily taking Mikes arm and turning it "Youve got Tonys name tatted! Holy shit I need to get a picture, guys stand next to each other!" Alex spoke, the others laughing even harder as well.

Tony's eyes widened, taking Mikes arm and looking at his tattooed name which was in the same font. "Ooooh my fuck, no no no, that better be marker." Tony spoke, rubbing at the ink that definitely wasn't coming off.

"Dude you're gonna like, tear my fucking skin." Mike said, taking his arm away and looking at the new ink on his arm. He didn't seem nearly as worried as tony did.

"Who's fucking idea was it to get our names tattooed on each other holy shit." Tony whined out, covering his face with his hands. It was bad enough that Tony had to work with this guy but now he has his name on his arm for the rest of his life? This is why he doesn't go out to drink with any of these guys..

"I believe it was you who suggested It Toner Boner." Austin said, laughing along with the others. Everyone thought this was more than hilarious, taking videos of this moment as a keepsake.

Mike snickered our with a smirk, walking over and putting an arm around Tonys shoulders and pulling him close. "Well if you wanted to get my name tatted so bad tony, you didn't have to get me drunk to do it." He teased, giving Tony a playful look.

Tony Weakly shoved Mike away and pouted, "Thus isn't funny Mike, I don't want your name on me." Tony whined out and mike hummed and still kept an arm around Tonys shoulders.

"Would you rather have me name in your mouth?" He Said, sending a wink Tonys direction which caused the younger boy to blush and shove mike away and go open up the store— he was done talking about this.

"Come on baby! Let's just take it a step further, we've already committed and gotten our names tattooed!" Mike called out, following after the younger boy, laughing while doing so.

"How much you wanna bet they're gonna end up getting together?" Jack piped up with a smirk.

"Jack, we already have that bet going." Oli said, rolling his eyes at the boy who seemed to be some kind of slow at times.

"Oh yeah... well then... I don't wanna bet anymore, they're probably already together." He snickered— the other boys agreeing and deciding to go out to the store and see how annoying Tony and Mike will be to each other for the day.

Lmao this started out good but then it sucked Bc I was lazy and didn't wanna he detailed and plus I wanted to put out another perrentes oneshot.

Also!! I was wondering if anybody wanted to role play Perrentes? Or Fuenciado? Or like Victony? Idk I've been so desperate and uuuuuuh bored.

If so you can comment or message me on here or my socials @
Gaygalaxyturtle (instagram)
Gaygalaxydun (twitter)
pptvemoly (tumblr)

Also I'd appreciate it vvv much if anybody requested anything ,,, hhhh thank you come again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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