For me ?

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After class I went home.

I came home alone because Shiki had finished classes before me and had come home.

Once inside I noticed that Shiki wasn't there.

(F/N): Shiki ? You're here ?

I heard him answer me from the bedroom.

Shiki: Yes, wait a minute.

(F/N): Umm... Ok...

I settled in the living room sofa  while waiting for Shiki.

I waited a few minutes  before Shiki came to join me with a beautiful bouquet.

Shiki: Surprise !

(F/N): Wha-

Shiki: I bought them for you. Do you like it ?

He gave me the flowers.

(F/N): Shiki... They are beautiful.

I smiled at him.

Shiki: Really ? You like it ?

He smiled.

(F/N): Yeah. Thank you.

I hugged him.

He tightened his arms around me.

Shiki: I'm glad you like it.

I leaned my head against his chest and I noticed that his heartbeat was unusually fast.

I broke away from his grip without asking questions.

(F/N): I will put them in a vase.

Shiki: Ok...

He looked at me smiling.

After placing the flowers in the vase, we both settled in the sofa while watching TV.

I really like being with him...

I've watched him smile.

... And I've the impression that this pleasure is shared.

I smiled at this thought and I snuggled against him, he put an arm around my shoulders and put his head against mine.

Dance with Devils Shiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now