Dance with a fallen angel.

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Time passed by at incredible speed.

Without my realizing it, we were already on Thursday... The day of the dance party.

I bought a black dress that I found beautiful.

I also bought high heels that go well with the dress.

Before leaving the store where I bought the dress, I noticed a very beautiful necklace, and of course I bought it too.

Poor Shiki I spend all his money in an outfit that he hasn't seen yet.

This thought made me smile.

I hope he will like my outfit.

Enough to daydream I have to put on my dress for the dance party.

I know that Shiki would like to see me makeup, so I bought eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

After put on my dress and my neckplace, I combed my hair and I made up.

I know that my makeup is not perfect but I rather proud of the result.

I came out of the bathroom and put on my shoes while waiting for Shiki.

I didn't wait long before Shiki joined me.

Shiki: Ok, we can-

Shiki: Wow...

He blushed.

Shiki: Y-You... Umm...

(F/N): ?

Shiki: You are beautiful.

I smiled at him.

(F/N): Thank you, you are beautiful too.

I approached him and kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed even more.

Shiki: I-I...

Shiki: Umm... W-We should go now or we will be late.

He headed to the door and opened it.

(F/N): Umm...

Shiki: ?

(F/N): You forgot your shoes...

He looked at his shoes, which was stored in a corner.

Shiki: Sh*t.

I laughed and he headed with a shameful expression towards the pair of shoes.

After putting on his shoes, we came out of the house.

As it was dark, Shiki took my hand and we headed to the academy.

When we arrived in the big room where was already several people, Shiki has checked the time on his phone.

Shiki: Right on time.

We smiled at each other.

A girl came to bring a glass of grape juice to Shiki.

The girl was giving Shiki a seductive look, but he didn't seem to care at all.

The girl looked at me wrongly when she noticed that I was holding Shiki's hand.

I tried released his hand but Shiki stopped me by tightening his grip.

The girl noticed it and looked up at Shiki, who looked at her as the same way she looked at me a few minutes ago.

Dance with Devils Shiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now