Chapter 17 - From Sea To Sea

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The drive home was stressful for Keith. He was worried about Lance even though he'd been assured the boy was fine. He'd merely fainted, probably due to stress considering all that happened that day. They'd been running around that old hospital building all night and it was almost daybreak by the time they returned home. Keith refused to part from Lance so the lot of them decided to sleep over at Keith and Shiro's place.

By morning, Hunk had to leave first because he had to get ready for his shift at the restaurant. Soon after Shiro headed to work, dropping Matt and Pidge off at their own home on the way. It was just Keith and Lance, who still hadn't awoken since he'd fainted.

When the caramel skinned teen did finally open his eyes Keith was relieved beyond belief and without even thinking immediately wrapped the boy in a tight embrace. To his surprise the embrace was returned with equal vigour.

"You idiot, what were you doing in a tiny boat in that kind of weather?"

At first the ravenette was confused but as he searched his memories understanding finally dawned on him. He pushed away in shock and excitement, holding the other boy in front of him by the shoulders he studied Lance's face. Deep ocean blue eyes met with lilac-grey, the caramel skinned teen wore that same soft, loving smile as he had before he fainted.

"You remember," Keith muttered, cautiously despite his barely contained excitement.

"Hey man, I missed you."

At this the ravenette's confusion returned once more.


Lance chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later."

"What? What do you mean?"

The lanky teen stood, ignoring Keith's questions, and stretched, "Let's go out on a date!"


Don't get him wrong, Keith was excited, but still very confused. When Keith had asked the other boy where he'd wanted to go the boy responded that with them living more in the outskirts of town, along the coast, and with them always being at the beach they never really went deep into town and enjoyed urban areas and modern entertainment. Thus Keith found himself, Lance at his side, in a relatively large indoor space surrounded by bright and loud machines each housing different games. The space was air-conditioned, loud, and crowded. They were in an arcade.

"How about a wager," Lance offered. Smiling softly, as if he were reminiscing, as he spoke, "We play as many games here as we can and count how many we each win. Loser buys the winner ice cream."

Keith raised an eyebrow in question. Since he'd been so obsessed with finding his mermaid all his life he didn't really care for games nor ice cream but he decided to humour Lance regardless.

"Alright, you're on," Keith scanned the various consoles around him, "What should we start with?"

The chocolate haired boy seemed to be searching for something when he finally came to a halt and pointed towards a flight simulator.

"That one!"

The two boys made their way towards it and seated themselves, ready to begin.

"I'll beat you this time," Lance mumbled

"You joking? Might I remind you, you had to cheat in Mario-kart."

Surely enough as soon as Keith learned the controls he was a natural and, although it was a close call, Keith won.

"Even now I still can't win here," Lance wore that same soft smile as he spoke, it was barely a whisper but the ravenette heard and once again he felt that familiar confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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