Chapter 6 - Just A Message

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Alternate title: 'Shiro is Six'

"Huh..." Keith glared groggily at the glowing screen of his computer.

"What?" Pidge, unlike Keith, seemed fine despite her equal lack of sleep.

"Uh... I think I found a group? Of sorts... They spend all their time researching and trying to prove the existence of mermaids... Says they're searching for mermaids?" the pale teen's response was a little delayed as he struggled against his wavering consciousness.

"Hm... Sounds familiar," Pidge quipped sarcastically, she was obviously referring to Keith and herself, "Who knows, they might even have some information that we have yet to discover."

"Hah, beat you to any significant information?"

The girl shrugged in response, "With luck you could happen upon ordinarily unlikely sources. You could always send them a message, a vague question to try and assess their knowledge, maybe directly gain some info?"

Ordinarily Keith was a lot more cautious natured but in his half-conscious state he didn't even think twice before acting on the smaller girl's suggestion. He typed out a brief message without much contemplation.

what do you know about mermaids turning into humans how do I know it's him

The message lacked punctuation and the last part was a simple, careless slip of his thoughts, after all, the boy had long given in to his resulting incoherence from his half-awake mind.

Finally at his limit the ravenette wandered over to a couch, collapsing into it with a mere grunt as his consciousness faded. Pidge spared him a momentary glance before resuming her research; she was no stranger to all-nighters, she'd even gone as far as having formerly gone three nights without sleep on more than one occasion.


"Woah, you really are a genius." Keith found himself waking up to the sound of a familiar, pleasant, youthful male voice.

"Of course, but thanks anyway," a higher pitched, more feminine voice.

The ravenette peeled open his eyes, vision still adjusting on the two figures seated mere metres away from him he wondered aloud, "WHY is there a gremlin... Oh," the boy sat up on his position on the couch, rubbing his heavy eyes, "Sorry Pidge."

The hazelnut haired girl glared at him, unimpressed.

"Hey man," the figure next to her greeted, it was a very familiar blue eyed, caramel skinned, chocolate haired, lanky teen.

"Lance, I see you came again today," Keith responded as he rose from the couch, heading towards the kettle and instant coffee.

"Of course! I still have much to learn and for mermaids I'm totally dedicated!" the lanky boy beamed.

"So you're helping us with our current research then?" the pale teen mused over the boiling rumble of the kettle.

"Of course!" Lance confirmed, smiling smugly. The smile, however, soon faded to a contemplative look, "I was wondering though... If a mermaid was changed into a human would they then bleed and leave their body behind when they die like ordinary humans do?"

"Well, I still can't say for certain but at the same time I still believe that drastic of a change would be exceedingly difficult and probably require a significant exchange if even possible to begin with. As a matter of fact I'd even say if it were possible then we'd either need to re-evaluate our current beliefs about the genetic makeup of mermaid or at least it would mean we're missing significant information on that topic..." Pidge began explaining, pausing momentarily as she massaged her eyes, "Anyhow, if I'm to simplify, I believe the change would be more like an illusion if anything."

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