Agencyshipping: I'd Lie

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A/N: I don't own the song I'd Lie. All due credits to Taylor Swift. I'd attach a video but meh I have no time to find one (but I have enough time to write this).

I apologize if any of the lyrics are wrong.


I don't think that passenger seat has ever looked this good to me

He tells me about his night

And I count the colours in his eyes

Black and White were sitting on Brav, Black's Braviary. The two were sitting side by side on the Pokémon and Black was recounting his rematch with Alder that White had missed because she had other family-related stuff on. He'd went to pick her up so yeah... Enough of boring explanations.

"... And I thought Musha and I were done for, but thankfully Musha pulled through!" Black exclaimed.

White smiled, but she wasn't paying attention. She was busy admiring how handsome Black looked with the moonlight shining on him. "Yeah..." she mumbled dreamily.

Those eyes of his... she thought, sighing slightly.

She couldn't stop staring at Black's warm mocha eyes. How they drew her in...

"Hey, Prez, you okay?" Black asked, his voice full of concern. "You're spacing out a lot."

"I'm... sleepy," White lied. Well, she was slightly drowsy but that wasn't the main reason why her mind was floating in space.

Black wrapped an arm around White, pulling her closer and pushing her head on his shoulder gently.

"B-black?" the girl squeaked in surprise.

He smiled warmly at her, causing her heart to flutter. "Get some sleep, Prez."

He'll never fall in love, he swears

As he runs his fingers through his hair

I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong

Iris, Alder, Black and White were sitting in a café in Castelia City, enjoying some afternoon tea with some chitchat.

That was - until Iris took it to another level.

"So... Black," she said, smirking deviously. "Have you ever thought of having a girlfriend?"

Black did a spittake, Alder laughed and White stiffened. If it weren't Iris and instead another girl, the president of the BW Agency would be jealous. However, this was Iris, who claimed that Black and White were her OTP loudly at the top of Dragonspiral Tower.

"I'm never gonna fall in love."

Those words shook White to the core. However, she laughed it off, hoping Black would have a change of heart.

"But... why?" Iris exclaimed. "You and White are meant to be!"

Black blushed a little but shrugged it off. He ran his fingers through his brown hair (that White loved) casually. "All girls think that all guys are cheating douches, so to save myself the trouble of convincing a girl that I love her, I've put walls up around my heart."

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