Neville the devil's origins

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Neville  (the devil) was born in London in 1999. His family was very poor so he had to resort to dangerous methods to extort money to survive. He began as a petty thief working out in the East end but soon began using other methods like torture. This gabe him a particular set of skills that people around the globe would pay him for. As the years went by, Neville had been to all seven continents in his line of work.

At age 17 Neville began to become radical. He joined an elite group of black code assasians , the red hand gang. He began to partake in extremist actions like wiping out entire towns of innocent people to make a statement. But 2 years after joining the group the perfect opportunity arrived. The president was doing a tour round Washington DC. They had to strike on the opportunity.


They took a plane out to DC to meet the president at 16:00. The weapons were being smuggled illegally and delivered to them at the airport.


They arrived. They had not a moment to lose.


Everything was in position. It was only 2 minutes until they saw the president. They were in a nearby tower block with highly powerful sniper rifles. The time was now.

They saw him. A single bead of sweat dripped down Neville's face. He took the shot. Suddenly, A security guard leaped in front of the shot and blocked it. The president immediately rushed into his bullet proof limo and drove to the white house.

The plan was decided. They would storm the white house it was risky but they had the equipment .

They scaled up the wall. The nine of them smashed through the window of the main office. They had been set up. 20 security guards fired 8 shots, all of them hitting the assassians. Only Neville remained.  He slid across the room and shut the door while leaving a triggered grenade inside. Neville ran towards a room he knew it. The president was inside. He fired a single shot. It penetrated the presidents skull.

1 day later.


These titles lined the news.

2 months later....
Fight club.
Neville knocked the brute out with a savage right hook. Potato Joe saw him. Joe was there.

1 day later...

Neville had joined the potato peelers.

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