2. The Proposal

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( Continued)
Pah! She was just being stupid. I had her. I had my parents. I didn't need or want anyone else in my life. Maybe it was just another attempt on my part to shut out the rest of the world. I just didn't belong to that world.

I looked around the coffee shop again. It was strange how this little coffee shop in this little corner of the world could provide me with an insight to people and their lives. For I watched relationships begin and end across these tables, children being transferred by divorcees, the guilty relief of those parents who couldn't face cooking, and the secret pleasure of pensioners at a fried breakfast. All human life came through and most of them shared a few words with me, trading jokes. I liked the tourists, the shrieking schoolchildren who stopped by after school and even the annoying customers, like the red haired woman who disputed her change at least once a week.

I liked knowing everything there was to know about the Buttered Bun, and hearing about the lives who came through it. Frankly, even working in Guantanamo Bay for six months was more exciting than my job. Even if I did make 350,000 $ every year.

Since they figured me out to be a solitary person, some of them mostly left me alone. Frank liked me though. He said I was quiet but somehow still managed to keep the place lively. I remember the first time I came here. On my 6th birthday. We had become best buds. He used to give me free chocolate smoothies every time I passed through. I did put my foot down after sometime.

I thought of Anna and automatically, a wistful smile spread across my face. I was happy for her. Patrick was a good guy. She couldn't have found anyone better for herself. But the slow realization came that this would lessen the time I could have with her. But I wasn't going to let her know that. She didn't need to feel all melancholy over me.

My phone beeped then. It was Frederick. He requested me to complete all the pending projects I had started since this would make it easier for him to find a replacement for me. I immediately felt guilty. I had completely left him hanging, leaving his job without any notice. I typed back, "Sure."

There was another message from Mom too, asking what time I would be home for dinner. I finished my coffee, then got up, shooting a smile at Frank behind the counter. He gave me a toothy grin back. I rushed out of the coffee shop. I didn't want to be late for dinner. It was 'Steak and Potatoes' Day.

The streets were fairly empty except for a few kids on skateboards. As I made my way to home, I saw a cardboard banner propped against one of the trees near a gift-shop. It was painted a soft blue with a picture of two swans flying in the sky and it said: "Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the unexpected can also take you over and change your life. Put a heart in your body where a stone used to be. For love comes in unexpected ways.... Love comes in unexpected ways.

Was it ironic that I should see this banner on the same day when Anna tells me to look for 'the right man'? No, I was being an idiot. Coincidences happen, I told myself. I was just letting Anna's words get to me. Delayed gratification for her. There was nothing unexpected in my life. It was organized and simple and uncomplicated.

I have always been a little omniscient. And as far as I could see, 'Unexpected' was one word that didn't exist in my near future. Dad says he never knows what I'll set my mind to next. So nothing ever came unexpectedly into my world.

I could see my house now. I could even smell my mother's cooking from the kitchen. Mashed potatoes. With pesto sauce. Yum. Love comes in unexpected ways. Huff! Get this out of your head, Becca. "I'm home, " I call out as I enter. Anna wasn't right. After all, I didn't really mind loneliness. I was just going to have a normal, alone life. Without any unexpected love bursting into my life and turning it upside-down. That was what would happen. A simple life. I was right.....wasn't I?..

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