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petes p.o.v

"Patrick, what would you do if I was gay?"

"Pete, you're my best friend and you will be my best friend no matter what. I will still support you through everything"

Best friend. ouch.

"What if I were to tell you that I love somebody that you know very well?"

Patricks p.o.v

Pete clearly doesnt like me in the way that I like him. He wants to be with someone that I know "very well" and that person isnt me.
I've had a crush on him since we met, I just couldnt bring myself to tell him.

"I would be happy with that, if you're happy than so am I" I replied.

I want Pete to be happy, I really do. but it really hurts to know that im not good enough for him.

"What would you say if I told you that I love you, and I want to be with you?"

my fake smile removed itself from my face and was replaced with a real one. The one person that ive wanted to be with for years has just told me that he loves me.

"I would confess my love to you, and tell you that ive had a major crush on you since the day we met, and that I would love to be with you for the rest of our lives".

He grabbed my hands and connected our lips together and thats when I knew that we were meant to be together right from the start.

"Patrick Stump, will you be my boyfriend?"

I pulled him in for another kiss.

"Does that answer your question?"

We both let out a small giggle. This was the part of my life that was missing. Pete was my finishing piece.

(this is sooo bad,
anyways, I hope that you have a good day or night!)

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