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Sunstrider hummed to herself as she brewed to cups of coffee; one for her, one for Drift. If he woke up. She had done a pretty good job of bandaging him, but there was no guarantee that it would bring him back to full health. She took out the jar of sugar, wondering if he liked sugar in his coffee or liked it bitter, when a creaking sound came from the room Drift was staying in. She put down the sugar and went to check on him. She opened his door and poked her head in. She was surprised to find him sitting up straight, rubbing his injured shoulder.

"You're awake," she said. Drift must not have noticed that she had been standing there, because he looked up suddenly, startled. He met her eyes, and Sunstrider swore that his cheeks went pink as he looked down.
"Yeah, I guess so."
She ran her eyes up and down him. His shirt was still on the chair where she had left it, so his chest was bare. The bandages she had wrapped around his bullet wound were stained with blood, but the severe wound looked nowhere near as painful as the hurt in his eyes. She didn't know how or why he didn't know where he was, but she sincerely believed him when he said he didn't belong here.
"Are you ok?" she asked, wondering why he looked so miserable. Drift's chestnut coloured eyes met hers, and in them, Sunstrider could see a million different emotions, zipping by so fast she couldn't read them.
"Yeah," he said quietly, "I'm ok."

He did not look ok.

Sunstrider helped him out of the bed. He winced slightly as she checked his shoulder. He was very close to her, so close she could fell his breath on her neck as she unraveled the bandages. The blood had stopped flowing, and the wound seemed to closing up. She was about to touch it to check for infections when Drift flinched back, away from her. Sunstrider felt oddly hurt by this, in a way that was unexplainable.
"Sorry," she apologised, "if you're not comfortable with me touching you-"
"Eh? No-no! Of course not!"

Drift met her eyes again, and she could clearly see that he was blushing now.

"Sorry," he mumbled, " I don't talk to girls much."

Sunstrider blinked. So he was nervous? That was actually kinda cute. The poor guy was blushing madly as he looked down, breaking eye contact. On second thought, it was adorable.

Before she knew it, she was laughing. Drift looked at her, expression somewhere in between embarrassment, hurt and amusement.

"Nothing," Sunstrider laughed, "Its just that that's the most adorable thing anyone's ever said to me."
"Shut up," Drift grumbled.

His protest just acted as a fuel to her giggles, and she reached over and ruffled his ridiculous hair, mussing the blond spikes. They had a surprising lack of gel, which made the golden locks soft to the touch. Sunstrider wondered how he kept his hair like that.

And then the doorbell rang.

They both jumped. Sunstrider cleared her throat and went to answer it.. A familiar figure was standing in the door way when she answered it.

She had a black helmet over her head, and a black, sleeveless vest. Her muscular arms were inked with dozens of swirling, black tattoos, and she had her thumbs hooked into the pockets of her leather trousers. Short, wavy strands of dark hair poked out from under the helmet, and Sunstrider could practically feel the smirk she wore, even though she couldn't see it.


Although she was greatly annoyed that Redline had intruded on her and Drift, she was glad for her presence. She always seemed to have calm, knowing aura, as if the ordeals of the world would never effect her. Sunstrider felt a smile edge onto her face.
"Hey Redline. How's Burnout?"
Redline snorted.
"Causing car accidents, breaking the speed limit, stealing ATKs... the usual." Sunstrider laughed, gesturing for her come inside.
"You know anything about this crack business? You have no idea how worked up John Wick is getting, 'Strider. Honestly, it's starting to worry me..."

When Love Gets In The Way- Fortnite - Drift x Sunstrider - *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now