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It took me about a whole minute for my brain to function. I mean, this voice could rise me up from death. And that face! Those eyes! The lips! The body!
Oh my, was I seeing an angel?
"You don't know?" he asked, slowly, attentively.
"Oh," I stammered. "I know."
I couldn't think for myself. What was his question again?
"Can you kindly show me the way?" he asked again. Then he sighed and took out a card from his pocket trouser. "I'm a cool guy."
"Yes," I said. I took the card. My hand was shaking and he saw it.
"Cold?" he asked.
I shook my head. My body betrayed me. I was shivering indeed, but not from cold, but from the presence of this beautiful figure in front of me. He was a drop dead from heaven gorgeous fellow.
He took out his khaki coat and handed it to me. I was frozen. I couldn't move. Like a gentleman, threw it around me. He expected me to react. I didn't. My eyes were stuck on him. He gently put it on me, his eyes not leaving mine. His touch drove me insane. He was so close, so close, so close. He smelt of the richest perfume. And I needed him.
I was battling with my inner demons that were commanding me to kiss this stranger. Who could resist those lips? Who wouldn't wish for his arms to be around her?
I didn't know where it came from, but I was suddenly caught with a strong desire I had never experienced before.
"My name is Leon," he introduced himself. He offered me his hand.
That I took in no time. "Emerald."
He shook my hand, but didn't let go of my hand. He held it for a long time, and the way he was feeling my hand with his fingers gave me a million butterflies in my stomach.
"Let's go then," he said, almost like a whisper, the sexiest voice I have ever heard.
I nodded. I stood up. He was still holding my hand when he turned to the direction that was my home. I made a step but my legs were too wobbly that I lost balance. I gasped.
He turned around in a speed of light and caught me as I fall.
Get a grip, Emerald. I told myself. He is probably taken. A man like this is never single.
"I'm sorry," I said, embarrassed.
He nodded, his eyes on me.
He put me back on the ground and I quickly sat on the bench.
"I'll tell you the direction," I told him.
He sat next to me.
"I'll wait until you are ready to go," he said.


When I entered home that night, mum was waiting for me.
"How was it?" she asked. "Did they make a fun of your outfit?"
I threw myself on the couch next to her and thought, Where should I begin?
"Did you have fun?" mum asked.
I sighed.
I met an angel and his name is Leon, I thought. He made my night.
I recalled what had happened with Leon. He had sat down with me, and we sat in silence, till my excitement had died down. We then stood up to leave and he had said I looked good tonight. He gave me a compliment and it killed me. He then claimed that he was hungry and insisted that we eat together. I took him to a place I could afford, an outdoor food stall. He didn't complain. He ordered food and we ate and we talked a bit. Then I took him to the flower shop. He bought me a flower, a yellow rose flower,  it was for me. I held the flower tight, I could almost smell him in that flower.
Did he like me? I wondered. What would Natasha say?
"You got a flower," mum continued with her questions.
I nodded. I couldn't speak about Leon. I was afraid that all this was a dream.
"Beautiful," mum said. "It's a him?"
I stood up to leave. "Mum, I am so tired," I said. "Please, can we talk tomorrow?"
I sensed her eyeing me. Her eyes were questioning. I was avoiding them purposely.
I should have kissed him, I thought.
"Okay," mum said. "Goodnight."
"Same," I replied and rushed to my room.
I loved Leon and I knew it. He knew it too and I knew it. I loved him. I loved him.

From the spaceship, the Queen of Jahanet, who was called Queen Emeline, and others watched Prince Leandra. At the same time they were reading the graph that was rising.
"Doing well," Gen. Oleander said.
"Not," Queen Emeline said. "They are falling in love. We need to stop them, can't you see?"
It disturbed their minds, to see the heir to throne falling in love with an ordinary girl of earth.
"Surely he knows what he is doing," Gen. Oleander said.
"No, he doesn't," Queen Emeline snapped."Since when does a person in love know what he is doing? He doesn't." She hit some buttons and a few scenes captured replayed back. First, it was Prince Leandra looking at Emerald walking out of her house. The queen zoomed Prince Leandra's face. The love could clearly be seen on the expression he was wearing. Queen Emeline sighed and hit the buttons and now a picture of Prince Leandra clenching his fists and his teeth gritted when Natasha was talking to Emerald was displayed on the screen.
"See," Queen Emeline said. "We need to talk to him. He has feelings for her. I swear he does."
Queen Emeline continued pressing some buttons and pictures were displayed on the screen. The last was Prince Leandra looking at Emerald closing the door of their house. He had on a look of pure strong desire.
"Put him on the line," Queen Emeline ordered.
Her order was carried out. A moment later, they heard the Prince's voice through the speakers.
"Mission Master 101066," Prince Leandra was heard.
"Leandra, what do you think you are doing?" Queen asked straight away.
"What did I do, her Majesty?" he asked honestly.
"You aren't supposed to fall in love," the Queen snapped.
"I'm not, mum," he defended himself. "I swear I'm not."
"I've got my eyes in the screen, son," Queen snorted. "And I almost puked at how you two were flirting. It's disgusting, Leandra."
Prince Leandra sighed. "Mother, I'll sort it out, I promise."
"Then do it," Queen commanded. She turned to Gen. Oleander and said, "get him out."
A second later, the call was disconnected.
"Send up his team," Queen Emeline ordered.
"Didn't he say he will work alone?" Madam Miranda reminded them.
"You are not serious," Queen Emeline said. "He is walking himself to ruin. He needs the team to remind him at least."
"Yes," the King, King Luce agreed. "And choose it from the best of people."

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