Chapter 1

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(Night 1, Victoria)
     Why? The distant sound of gunshots rang in my ears, tears fell from my eyes, sweat poured from my forehead. The grass tickled my bare feet, which crushed small berries and twigs with each step. I was running as fast as possible and low hanging branches cut the sides of my face. My breath was quick and erratic. I couldn't think straight, my mind only screaming to run and wondering why. How could they do it? Why? Closing my eyes for a second my face collided with a branch and I fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thud.
     My hand went to my forehead and I stared at the trees rising high above me, blocking most of the evening sky. I felt as though I could lie there forever, but the gunshot nearby quickly threw away that option. I scrambled to my feet, almost falling over as a bullet flew past my head and caused splinters to fly from the tree behind me. They were shouting something, but I couldn't make out the words, especially now that my head hurt.
     I ducked under the branch before taking off in a sprint, running as fast as possible. Why My instincts told me to fall to the ground when the gunshots stopped suddenly altogether. I dove to the side, into a bush. Right where I had just been a bullet flew by, landing in a tree. I covered my mouth to keep myself from screaming or saying anything, when I heard running my breath stopped. If they find me, I'm dead.
     As I heard them getting closer, my heart starting to beat faster, I realized they knew I was here. I quickly backed out of the bush and tried to sneak away, quickly and as quietly as possible, managing to stay quiet as I heard the footsteps reach the bush. Quickly turning back I watched as they shot into the bush. Turning back to continue my escape I noticed that someone was standing there. I looked up at their face, and my brother's face stared back.
      He wrapped me in his arms tightly, yelling, "I've got her!" I tried moving, struggling, anything to get away, but he was taller and stronger than I was. No! I can't let them kill me! I brought my head back and then slammed my forehead into my brother's nose and he let go, recoiling backwards. The sound of people running was behind me and I didn't waste anytime breaking back into a sprint.
     The sky grew darker with each passing moment and I wasn't sure how to feel. If it dark, it is harder for them to see me, but it is harder for me to see them, and to see where I am going. The sound of people running ceased and I slowed my pace. I sighed with relief as I stopped running. I bent over, completely exhausted from running when suddenly a cracking sound caught my attention and I instantly took off into another sprint. I looked behind me and felt my foot collide with something and then fell. Without thinking I turned to look at what had made me trip, but my eyesight was not as good, as it was dark.
      I reached out and felt through the leaves, and my hands fell upon cold metal, I lifted the dark object to my eyes and squinted, almost screaming in realization. It was a gun, I threw it to the ground in fear and started to crawl backwards. Is it one of theirs? In an instant I fell onto something and my hands stretched outwards, trying to find a solid surface so I could stand, but they only felt fabric. As my hands searched for something more solid than the fabric my right hand landed on something warm.
     I moved my hand carefully over the warm object, but then I realized something as my fingers brushed over what felt like an eye. This was a person! A dead human! I tried to stand as quickly as possible and looked down at the dead body. My heart began to beat fast again and my brain began to shut down from all the information I had received in only about two hours.
     Quickly I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket, dialing the police. As I waited I began to think, Wait, if they find my fingerprints on the gun, and my fingerprints on the body. A woman's voice came over the phone and scared me.
"This is 9-1-1, what is your emergency?"
     I threw the phone to the ground in fright. I'll be thought of as a criminal! I didn't do it! I backed away as the woman on the other end began to talk again, but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. I started running again and had no idea of where I was running to, but I hoped it was somewhere I could rest and think about everything.
     Unfortunately that was not the case. I heard the crack of a gun and watched as the tree in front of me was hit by a bullet. What the hell! Why are they so persistent? I quickly strayed from the main path and looked forward, seeing a road as police sirens filled my ears. I quickly darted into the road and as I got most of the way across I felt someone grab me and pull me out of the road as a car flew by. I almost got hit! I didn't realize I was still wrapped in the person's arms, until they spoke.
"You should look both ways before crossing the street. And across the street." I suddenly realized who the voice belonged to. My brother.
     I looked up as he held me tighter. I began to struggle and remembered earlier as blood fell from his nose and onto my hoodie. I knew it would hurt him to hit his broken nose again, but I decided to instead stomp on his foot. His face contorted and he shook his head no. He then leaned down and whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck.
"I've got you now, and we are going home."
     My mind stopped, and feelings of disgust, horror, and fear filled my body and I tried to scream, but he placed his hand over my mouth, as I watched people nearby carry on with their night as if this was normal. Why? Why don't they notice me? My brother's voice caught me off guard and sent a chill down my spine.
"Save the screaming for later. When you are being cut open."
     I couldn't talk or scream with his hand over my mouth. I have to think of something! I felt as he lifted me off the ground with ease and began to carry me back into the woods, I still struggled but to no avail. I watched sadly as the road disappeared in the distance along with the noise of the city. I had been so close! Tears filled my eyes as my back hit a tree and my hands were pulled behind it and a rope was used to hold them there.
     My brother returned and stared at me. He only stood there for a moment listening to my quiet sobs. He suddenly came close to me and again whispered in my ear.
"I'll be right back with the others.."
     I closed my eyes as I heard him take a step away and then pause before he was in the middle of another step. Suddenly I heard a light hiss sound and looked to my left before hearing my brother cry out. Looking back at him I noticed he was nursing his right arm, which had a crossbow bolt stuck in it. He began to run as a male yelled.
"Get away from her!"
     He stopped, realizing that my brother could no longer hear him. Tears obscured my vision, but I could make out the figure of a man approaching me. He held a crossbow in his hands and set it down as he pulled out a hunting knife. I wasn't sure if it was my exhausted state, but I could have sworn I had seen red on the knife. He went around the tree and cut the rope, resulting in my exhausted body falling to the dirt floor. He was suddenly next to me and helping me stand.
"Are you okay?"
     He asked in a caring and kind voice, but deep down he was angry about something, and whether or not it was about my brother was a mystery to me. I quickly remembered that I needed to respond, but my voice did not want to work, Exhausted, I need some form of rest. My legs ached as we took a few steps. He leaned me against the tree and I put a hand on the tree, trying to keep from falling over.
     He returned, the crossbow hooked onto him. He placed his arm under mine and dragged me towards the city. I almost fell asleep on multiple occasions and I felt bad, but exhaustion was the only thing my body understood at the moment and I actually fell asleep.
(Night 1, Madeline)
     It was late fall, the small nip of winter turned the nose red and the leaves were a beautiful red and orange. My sweater felt nice against my skin and I hugged myself as I did a little spin as the wind blew, leaves falling around and on me. Some of the leaves getting caught in my light blonde hair and I reached up, brushing the leaves out.
"Having fun there?"
     His voice had a playful tone to it and I felt as though something was off, but I ignored it as I looked at him. He was so cheery. His voice could lift the lowest of feelings. As I walked forward again I responded.
"Fall is the best season, don't even try to argue against it either."
     My voice was light-hearted and playful as well and I brushed some of my hair out of my face, watching and waiting for any kind of response from him. He simply nodded his head yes. I turned to return to the path, Why am I leading the way? He has a surprise for ME. I just kept following the path anyway, not wanting to question anything.
     He traveled farther behind, hands in his pockets. The wind blew again and I stopped, half waiting for him and half wanting to watch the leaves fall to the ground. I heard shouting and looked around, wondering where it was coming from. Looking around I noticed that the sun was quickly getting lower and lower in the sky.
"It's getting dark out." I paused. "Can I see my present now?"
     I was worried about the screaming and wanted to return home. Something in my gut told me to run, but I didn't listen, my curiosity had taken over me. Curiosity killed the cat. I heard my mom's voice say cheerily in my head. I shivered, the wind blowing again. I turned back to him.
"I kind of want to go home now."
     He seemed to think for a minute, stopping in his place, and looking up to the sky. I couldn't understand what he said as the wind picked up and he had only whispered. I was about to tell him to repeat himself when he spoke louder.
"Then you won't see your present."
"I don't care! I just want to go home!"
"You would deny a present? You don't care about how I feel?"
"I-I just wanted to go home."
"So you really don't want the present? It would make me happy."
     He smiled weakly at me and I couldn't resist. I didn't want to continue going, but a part of me wanted to make him happier and so try as I may, I couldn't persuade my mind otherwise. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath.
"How much longer?"

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