Chapter 22

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(Night 7-Day 7, Madeline)
     I looked all around me, every way looking the same. I couldn't pick out a road or a trail or anything that would guide me home. I felt hopelessness cover me from head to toe. My reopened wound bled out onto my jeans.
     I covered it with my hand and picked a direction, hoping it was the right way to go. Please be the right way! I walked for some time and watched as the sun passed over the horizon. The darkness being pushed away by the sun.
     Clouds hid the blue sky behind it and the sun barely peeked through. The temperature was a nice cool day, like one that would be spent at a park. I was forced to limp in the cold breeze of the winter morning.
     I wanted Diane or Victoria to be accompanying me. I just met my sister. And she protected me. I had no idea how to find either of them without getting even more lost. Maybe they can find their own way out? I remembered Diane knew how to get out, but I couldn't rememberer which way I was supposed to go.
"I am eighty percent sure it was this way."
     I said to myself and the trees. I couldn't believe my eyes as the buildings of Everport appeared before me. I was home at last. I was home! I forgot about the pain and began to run towards the town.
     In my excitement, I didn't notice the footsteps behind me. A hand clamped over my mouth and I couldn't bite it. My head started spinning and I reached out towards the town, trying to get anyone's attention, but in vain. My eyelids became heavy as I started to fall asleep.
"Don't worry, we won't let you escape again."
(Night 7-Day 7, Diane)
     Victoria's mom swung the blade down on me, trying to cut my head in two, but my reflexes were faster and I managed to dodge and swing at her. She blocked with her own machete and we locked eyes.
"She is ours!"
"No she's mine!"
"Why do you want her?"
"Because she's my sister! Now shut up and die!"
     I charged forward, but she pushed my blade out of the way and brought hers down on my shoulder. It dug into the muscle, blood flowing down as she ripped it out. I backed away from her before readying to attack again.
"I don't think I'll be the one dying here."
"We'll see."
     My back was to the hole Madeline had fallen into and if I backed up anymore I would fall through. Victoria's mom charged at me this time, not remembering the hole. But I didn't think she cared.
     I jumped backwards hoping I would make it to the other side. I did. And watched as she plummeted to the cave floor, hitting it with a sickening thud. I stared at her for a moment, watching as the blood pooled around her face.
"Don't mess with my family."
     I looked back up and tried to identify where to go. What about Madeline? Where is she? Is there another way out of the cave? I looked back in and saw nothing. Come on! Just give me a vision now! Why when I need one it doesn't happen? I stepped away from the hole and held my head with my good arm.
"Come on!"
     I focused all my energy into thinking about Madeline, but with no results.
"Maybe if I get back to town I can get a police force with me. Then I can show them everything that has happened, and find Madeline again."
     I turned towards the way out of the woods and started going there. My arm hung limp at my side as the pain built up and the blood leaked out. After a few minutes a noise caught me off guard. I turned too fast and my momentum sent me falling.
     As I tried to recover a large tree started snapping and threatening to crush me. I rolled painfully, groaning loudly as I went over my injured arm. The hillside had roots sticking out and hurt with each collision. I remained unmoving until I reached the bottom, at which point I stared up at the fading stars.
     I climbed to my feet and looked around for anything. I can't climb with my injured arm, I'll only fall back down and injure myself more. Through the trees I noticed something far off. Then I listened closely and heard water.
     I forced myself to wander over to it and found a pond. I kneeled next to it and looked in at the clear water. I couldn't believe my eyes. I reached in and scooped water out, pouring it onto my wounded shoulder. I felt better immediately.
     The pain still existed, but in a lesser degree. I stood from the ground and looked around for a direction to go in. I couldn't make up my mind and just sat back down, regaining my strength while staring at the pond. My reflection stared back at me.
     It revealed how broken I truly was. Not just physically, but mentally. My shoulder with a deep cut was visible on the surface, but as I looked over my reflection completely I noticed my eyes. They were sleep deprived and filled with hatred.
"Is that all I'm fueled by anymore? Hatred, anger? Or is it my protective nature as a sister? All I've wanted to do is save her and kill Parker. I don't even know what to do anymore, where to go! I just. I want to help. But what use am I injured and lost? I'm not useful. I'm stuck here without anywhere to go. Even if Madeline makes it out, Parker is still alive and I'm lost."
     My eyes closed and tears fell down my cheek. My grip on the machete loosened until I was no longer holding it. Instead I used my hand to wipe away tears. After a few sniffles and tears I opened my eyes. In the pond I saw a familiar face.
"What are you doing here?"
"I-I'm lost."
     I closed my eyes again turning away before opening them again.
"This won't help you find your sister."
"There's nothing I can do." I spoke hopelessly.
"You are strong, but sometimes you just need a little help. Don't be afraid to ask."
"Who would I ask?"
"Ask nature, she'll show you a way."
"Why can't you show me?"
"I died here, I didn't live here. I must go, otherwise I'll fade. The betrayal I faced, it keeps me here, bound to this earthly place. I cannot move on while my murderer walks freely. Goodbye Diane. I wish you the best of luck."
     I whispered to myself as I turned to watch him go, slowly fading away until he matched the air. My thoughts attacked my skull, confused and angry.
"Nature, can you help me?"
     I paused a moment.
"This was dumb, I should just wander somewhere else and maybe I'll get out, or die."
     I stood and turned to find a doe in my path. It looked at me patiently before walking off into the woods.
"What? What are you?"
     It didn't answer and I cursed myself for my own stupidity. Of course it won't answer Diane, it's a doe. I followed behind. It suddenly stopped and bent it's head down before rising it into the sky and then taking off quickly.
     I looked at where it had been standing and noticed bright red underneath the little snow on top. In the distance was a house, although in ruins I still walked gingerly over. It seemed like it would have been quite a nice house, but now it lied in complete smoldering ruins. As I approached where the front door might be an older lady greeted me kindly.
"Hello, are you lost too?"
"What do you mean?"
"You aren't the first girl I've met."
"You realize this house is burned down?"
     Her face frowned and her body changed. She now had a bullet hole in her chest and burn marks all over her.
"A girl named Madeline, she was being hunted by a man. Said his name was Parker. I tried to delay him so she could get away-"
     Pain filled her eyes as she came closer to me.
"I tried to stop him I did, but he had a gun. That Madeline, she tried to burn the house down to stop him, but he got out. I heard the glass brake upstairs and saw him run before I well… died."
"Hey, it's okay. She's still alive." Her face lit up slightly.
"Is she safe? Did I help her live?"
"She isn't safe, but she is a alive. You did everything you could."
"Thank you, but my soul cannot rest my dear Diane."
"How do you know my name?"
"Someone called out to you as you died. They called out for you in pain and suffering. They called to you to save them, but you couldn't move. You ache all over and are paralyzed, you watch as they are killed, before you bleed out yourself."
"Are you a fortune teller?"
"I have been given a gift. I can see people's futures based on their decisions and patterns. If someone made decisions that led to a fate, and continued making the same decisions they normally would, then they will die that way. But if they change before their fate, they will change their own fate."
"How do you know this?"
"It was a gift, much like your own." She pointed at my chest.
"You are seeking someone who is connected to you."
"I'm looking for my sister."
"She is in serious danger. You must find her."
"I can't, I'm lost!"
"You must learn to control your powers."
"Can you help me get out or not?"
"You can only help yourself from here on out."
"Can you at least tell me where the town is!?"
"Follow me, and calm down. Your life is on the line."
     I followed her inside the rubble as she sat on an untouched couch. I took a seat next to her.
"What are we doing? I have a sister to save."
"You can't save her if you can't control this power of yours."
"So how do I control it?"
"Think of a sound that you love."
"The crackle of a campfire in the night sky, the crickets chirping quietly in the distance as the flames reach up into the sky, brushing against the stars."
"Clear yourself of your worries and focus on that thought."
"What if I can't?"
"Then other people die because of you."
     I focused on the campfire, the crickets. The flames and starry night. Madeline was there with me. We both sat across from each other. She stared into the fire, listening to the sounds around her in seemingly disbelief.
     She turned her head up and looked at me. Her eyes were red rimmed and her nose bled onto the ground below us.
"Where are you?"
"I don't know."
"You can talk to me?"
"I don't know what's happening. Is this what death feels like?"
"Why would this be death?"
"Those people. They're hurting me. Am I not dead?"
"No, you're still alive, and I'll make sure you stay that way, just hang on!"
"Diane, don't leave me!"
     The tears fell faster and her pleads hurt me. I didn't want to leave her alone in her torture, but there was no other way for me to save her. I tried to stand, but couldn't. Slowly the entire place turned to rippling water and in a desperate attempt Madeline stretched out her hand to me, reaching over the fire. I reached out, but we grew further and further apart until the ripples completely hid her form and I was staring at the ghost of the old lady, tears clouding my vision.
"What did she do to deserve this?"

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