Chapter 5

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(Day 2, Victoria)
     I sat in the waiting area, waiting for any news on Asher's condition. He isn't okay. He really needed this help, but what happened? Why was my mom there? How did she know My senses returned to me after the stressful event that occurred only an hour ago.
     The sun still shone through the huge windows and I turned away, covering my eyes to keep from the sun blinding me. I sat uncomfortably as I waited to hear how Asher was doing, slowly becoming more and more restless.
"Victoria Walker."
     I looked up and saw a woman beckoning me over. She had long red hair and a kind expression on her face. I stood and made my way over to her. My anxiety and curiosity almost got the best of me, but she smiled as she began to speak.
"So Asher Rivera is okay, but it seems that you are under the age of eighteen. Do you trust this man? Do you know him personally?"
"He saved my life twice, I think that is a good reason to trust someone."
"Ma'am, pardon me, but he saved your life twice?"
"Can I ask from what?"
"From my family, but I could have died, that is what is important."
     Her face turned to that of approval. She nodded before starting to walk back down the hallway. She stopped mid step and took something out of her pocket. She then wrote on and crumbled what looked like a piece of paper and tossed it underneath a nearby bench before walking into her office.
     I walked over and reached under the bench and sat as I opened the piece of paper. I couldn't believe my eyes as I read the paper. This can't be happening. The paper was some kind of patient sheet, but it had been from a very long time ago, but she had written on it. On it read, "Your family has been called to come get you. You need to leave, I'll get Asher out of here and I'll meet you at the gas station on Lyvere Avenue."
     I shoved the note in my pocket and headed for the front doors, but stopped as I saw an all too familiar car pull into a parking space in front of the hospital. I quickly backtracked and looked around, acting as normal as possible.
     A man pushed past me and I fell to the ground from surprise. I stood, recollecting myself before resuming to walk. People are very rude. I thought to myself angrily as I turned a corner. An exit was at the end of the hallway, but a loud booming voice rang in my ears.
"I heard that our lost daughter was here with some man."
     I couldn't hear the response, but I knew I didn't have very long to get out of the hospital. I began to run as I heard the stomp of my father down the hallway behind me. In my panicked state it seemed as though the hallway became longer and longer, the exit getting farther and farther away from me.
     My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt as though I was to vomit, but I knew I needed to leave. As I approached the exit I felt confident. I can leave! I can... I fell to the floor as the guy from earlier knocked me over. I tried to stand, but he pushed me back down.
"What are you doing?"
     I said as I attempted to stand again. I looked up at his face and realized it was my uncle. It can't be. He swiftly tried to grab me, but I used all my strength to move myself backwards with my arms. He almost fell, but recovered and tried to grab me again.
     I moved back and stood, then began to run, but stopped as my father turned the corner, staring me dead in the eyes. I turned back to see my uncle moving slowly closer. I'm trapped. There is nothing I can do! That's when the fire alarm signalled. Sprinklers in the ceiling rained down on both of them and I ran around my uncle as he made a weak attempt at a grab and fell to the floor. I charged out of the doors and began to run.
     Soon I became tired and sat against the nearby bus stop, waiting to catch my breath. Lyvere Avenue. That is, that way. I stood and began to walk in the direction, looking around cautiously for any member of my family. She never said what time. Can I assume she will get there whenever she can? But what time would that be?
     I racked my brain for answers, but nothing came to mind. I'll just go there and wait. With my mind made up I made my way to the gas station. After a half an hour of walking the gas station came into view and I quickened my pace.
     As I made my way behind the building I felt my stomach growl and I reached into my pocket. Nothing. I only grabbed my phone and now I don't even have that. I looked back to the front of the gas station and watched as cars pulled in and filled the tanks of their cars with gas.
     While observing the cars I noticed a truck in particular. It was white, but on the inside a woman sat in the passenger seat. She looked very stressed and I could see blood dripping from her nose. Hopefully she is okay. I thought as the man from the driver's seat jumped down and started to get gas.
     He set the gas to pump automatically and went inside the gas station. I slowly started to creep towards the woman to see if something was wrong, but a hand pulled on my hoodie and I turned around to find the nurse there. She whispered quietly into my ear.
"Don't get caught up in other people's business, especially now that you are being looked for by the police."
     I followed her back behind the gas station and saw Asher leaning against the wall, holding his abdomen tightly. The nurse backed away from us and prepared to talk. Why is she helping us?
"Victoria, you need to stay off the radar. Don't do anything to get noticed, or you'll return to your family and I know that is not what is right, but I can't be of anymore help unless I know exactly what you are dealing with."
"Why are you helping us?" Asher questioned before I could speak.
"Because I know something is truly wrong here and I'm not letting anyone die. It's my job."
     With a hesitant nod of approval from Asher I began to relay what happened. I had to think about everything before and felt myself coming to tears as I recounted everything that had happened before and during that night, after wiping away tears I began my story.
"I grew up in a house, out in the woods. My family was very nice, but they always seemed to be talking about someone getting away, but of course I never questioned it or tried to find out what they meant. Then, last night I got curious when I heard screaming from in the basement. I-I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened that door..."
     My feet moved silently as I descended the cold cement steps into the basement, a rotten stench filling my nose and I pinched my nose to keep from smelling whatever it was. A light in the main room flickered and it caused me to feel a knot in my stomach. I knew something was terribly wrong. There has to be some reason as to why they don't want me down here, right? Curiosity fueled me and I stepped off the stairs, turning to see the blood coated walls, the bloodstained table, and the corpse of a butchered woman.
     Her arms had been removed and were in a nearby basket which contained her feet as well. That night's dinner returned to my mouth and I could only hold my hair out of my face as it poured from my mouth. As I thought about what I had seen I realized something. The meat we eat, we never bought meat at stores. Another round of vomit took over and I stumbled out of the basement afterwards.
     As I made my way to my room, my mom asked what was wrong, but I only pushed past her and shut and locked my door. I quickly grabbed my phone and was reaching for my wallet when I heard them knock, questioning me calmly, but when I didn't respond they became more and more furious.
     I opened my window and jumped down to the ground below. I had done it many times and it no longer hurt too much at that point. I took off in a sprint, only to hear gunshots being fired off into the night, the yelling mixing with the sounds of disturbed wildlife.
"And then Asher saved me for the first time."
     I concluded after telling them both about that and my brother. A look of realization crossed her face for a minute before leaving. She looked up and towards the front of the gas station. She then leaned in towards us and spoke.
"That doesn't explain why you guys didn't call the police."
"While I was out there, I came across a body, but got my fingerprints all over it and the weapon. They would assume it was me, I can't argue that case, that and I lost my phone then as well."
"This is deeper than I thought."
"I tried to tell you." Asher said from behind me.
"There really isn't much you can do is there?"
"No, not unless I show the police what my family has been doing."
"They'd probably have to make you wait, they are dealing with some girl going missing in the same woods."
     I heard Asher shift in his place against the wall. That's odd. Maybe it was his sister or something. I'll have to ask him about it later.
"That can't be good, especially since my family is out there. What if they find her?"
     I shook my head as I tried to push the thoughts to the back of my mind.
(Night 2-Day 3, Madeline)
     I slowly moved my arms to stand, but my left arm collapsed and pain again shot up my arm. It has to be broken. I thought as I rolled so that I was face up and sat up, pain attacking my back. I reached up to my head and only stared at my dirty fingers. My head is bleeding. Not good.
     The house, the people, the blood. A cold chill shot up my spine as the wind blew. The temperature had definitely dropped and I realized fall was coming to a close. If I'm out here for too much longer, I'll freeze to death.
     I pulled my sweater tightly to keep me warm. I then attempted to stand, looking up at the cliff I had fallen from. The house was out of view and leaves fell slowly in the breeze. I shouldn't be alive, but I am. I can't die out here. I wasn't meant to.
     My thoughts were strong, but inside I doubted myself. It was all just chance, luck, but everyone's luck runs out eventually. I stumbled forward and tripped, my right arm slamming into the cliff wall.
     My shoulder hurt and I couldn't breathe well as the air became more and more cold as the night lingered on. My sweater was not keeping me as warm as it used to, the large hole where I had been stabbed allowing air to pass into my sweater, thinking about it caused me to shiver.
     I sat down at the base of the cliff and looked at the trees that loomed high overhead. The leaves spinning as they fell, landing upon the ground with a soft touch, a quiet snap of a twig caught my attention and my breath stopped.

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